Mayor Robert J. Lovero | City of Berwyn Website
Mayor Robert J. Lovero | City of Berwyn Website
City of Berwyn City Council met Feb. 26
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
A. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
B. Open Forum:
C. Approval of Minutes:
1. Regular City Council Minutes- February 11 , 2025.
D. Bid Openings: Nothing Submitted.
E. Berwyn Township, Berwyn Health District, Berwyn Development Corporation: Nothing Submitted.
F. Reports from the Mayor:
1. PROCLAMATION: Recognition and Congratulations to Fitzgerald's Nightclub for its Historic Designation.
2. RESOLUTION: Granting Permission for the Annual Baseball Parade on Saturday May 10, 2025.
G. Reports from the Clerk:
1. Approval of Handicap Parking Installations as follows:
1645 S. Gunderson Avenue (SPACE) and 1316 S. Clarence Avenue (ZONE).
2. Denial of Handicap Installations as follows: 3736 S. Wesley Avenue (SPACE), 3838 S. Maple Avenue (SPACE) 1627 S. Oak Park Avenue (ZONE).
3. 2025 Berwyn Park District Events.
H. Zoning Boards of Appeals: Nothing submitted.
I. Reports from the Aldermen, Committees, and Boards:
1. Ald. Pabon: Request to amend our Welcoming City Ordinance sections, 620.21, 620.22, 620.25 and 620.26.
J. Reports from the Staff:
1. Police Chief Cimaglia: Permission granted for St. Mary of Celie's Annual "Way of the Cross" procession and parade to be held on Friday April 18, 2025 between 11 :30am and 1:OOpm -Informational.
2. PW Director Schiller: Recommendation to approve Pay Estimate # 1 for the Ogden A venue Water Main Replacement in the Amount of $740,965.00 to Trine Construction.
3. PW Director Schiller: Recommendation to approve Pay Estimates #20 & #21, for the Depot District Streetscape project. Pay Estimate #20 in the amount of$613,057.08 and Pay estimate #21 in the amount of$965,458.13 to R.W. Dunteman Company.
K. Consent Agenda:
1. Payroll: 02/12/25 - $1 ,721,4 72.64 - Informational.
2 . Payables: 02113/25 to 02/27/25 in the amount of$1 ,559, 927.44- Informational.
3 . Misericordia Request to distribute Tags & Candy in exchange for Donations on April25111 & 26th between 8AM and 5PM at various businesses throughout the City of Berwyn.
4. North Berwyn Park District- 41h Annual Art in the Park Festival. Request to close south alley surrounding the Berwyn Gardens on June 14, 2025.
Committee I Ward Announcements