Annie Delgado, Trustee | Village of Bellwood
Annie Delgado, Trustee | Village of Bellwood
Village of Bellwood Village Board met Feb. 19
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1 Call to Order
2 Roll Call: Mayor Harvey, Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, Nightengale
3 Pledge of Allegiance
4 Approve the Board Meeting Agenda
5 Approve Minutes of last meeting of the Village Board
6 Presentations
7 Committee Reports / Presentation of Items to appear on the Consent Agenda
a Public Works – Trustee Ciavattone, Chairman; Trustee Delgado, Member,
i Departmental Report,
ii Item D - The intergovernmental agreement sets forth the roles and responsibilities of the respective parties as they pertain to the storage and sale of rock salt to the school district,
iii Item F- The Village received several proposals pertaining to the installation of custom iron fencing to be installed at the Bioretention Facility,
b Community Development – Trustee Boston, Chairman; Trustee Robinson, Member,
i Departmental Report,
ii Item C - The Village as part of its Planned Development has identified the property commonly referred to as 2817 St. Charles Road, Bellwood, Illinois as part of the designated area to be redeveloped,
iii Item E - The change order authorizes the additional testing of construction materials for the Bellwood Gateway Project,
c Quality of Life – Trustee Holman, Chairman; Trustee Boston, Member,
i Departmental Report,
ii Item A - The Planning Commission held a public hearing and has unanimously recommended the approval of the conditional use and variance,
iii Item B - The Zoning Board of Appeals conducted a public hearing regarding Petitioner’s request for zoning relief and as a result of which has made a recommendation pertaining to Petitioner’s request,
d Administration – Trustee Robinson, Chairman; Trustee Ciavattone, Member,
i Departmental Report,
ii No items appearing on the consent agenda,
e Public Safety – Trustee Delgado, Chairman; Trustee Nightengale, Member,
i Departmental Report,
ii No items appearing on the consent agenda,
f Finance – Trustee Nightengale, Chairman; Trustee Holman, Member,
i Departmental Report,
ii Authorize payment of bills,
iii Ratify investments,
iv No items appearing on the consent agenda,
g Ad Hoc Committees:
i Traffic Safety – Trustee Nightengale, Chairman; Trustee Holman, Member,
ii Other,
iii No items appearing on the consent agenda,
8 Consent Agenda
a An Ordinance Granting the Approval of a Conditional Use and Variance for the OffStreet Parking at the Property Located at 837 Mannheim Road, Bellwood, IL 60104 (McMaster Painting & Decorating, Inc.),
b An Ordinance Granting a Variance for the Property Located at and Commonly Referred to as 34 Davis Dr., Bellwood, Illinois 60104,
c An Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Purchase of Real Estate and the Execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Property Commonly Referred to as 2817 St. Charles Road, Bellwood, Illinois 60104,
d A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the Village of Bellwood and Bellwood School District 88,
e A Resolution Approving and Authorizing a Change Order to the Engineering Agreement for the Bellwood Gateway Project,
f A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract by and between the Village of Bellwood and A&S Fence,
9 Action on Consent Agenda,
a Any items to be removed from the Consent Agenda
i Discussion on removed items
ii Action on removed items
b Place items on the Consent Agenda
c Approve Consent Agenda
10 Mayor’s Report
11 New Business
12 Unfinished Business
13 Public Comment
14 Adjournment