Mayor Robert J. Lovero | City of Berwyn Website
Mayor Robert J. Lovero | City of Berwyn Website
City of Berwyn City Council met Jan. 28
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Robert J. Lovero Mayor
Margaret Paul City Clerk
A. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
B. Open Forum:
C. Approval of Minutes:
1. Regular City Council Minutes - January 14, 2025.
D. Bid Openings:
1. PW Dir. Schiller: Award the Lead Service Line Replacement Bid to Miller Pipelines in the amount of $2,238,478.70 plus a 3% contingency.
E. Berwvn Township, Berwvn Health District, Berwyn Development Corporation: Nothing Submitted.
F. Reports from the Mayor:
1. Request to waive bid process for Berwyn Softball fields- Janura Park West Fields and award the contract to the lowest proposed quote to Team Reil Inc. in the sum of $35,141.00.
2. Amend Section 234.001 of the Codified Ordinance Outlining the Composition of the Berwyn Fire Department.
3. Amend Section 242.03B of the Codified Ordinance Reclassifying the Titles of the Berwyn Fire Department Appointments.
G. Reports from the Clerk:
1. DENY Request for Handicap Parking Spaces at 2645 S. Clarence Avenue and 2 11 8 S. Elmwood Avenue.
H. Zoning Boards of Appeals: Nothing submitted.
I. Reports from the Aldermen, Committees, and Boards:
1. Aid Pabon: Request to amend our Welcoming City Ordinance, sections 620.25(B) and 620.25(D).
2. Aid Pabon: Ad Hoc Rat Abatement Minutes- November 13,2024- Informational
J. Reports from the Staff:
1. City Attorney Bertuca: Authorize settlement of 23-CV -17084 in the amount of $6,500.00.
2. Police Chief Cimaglia: Request to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Brookfield Zoo Police Department.
3. Police Chief Cimaglia: Request to hire one (1) Probationary Police Officer from the current Eligibility list.
4. Police Chief Cimaglia: Permission granted for the North Berwyn Park District's Annual "Easter Parade" between 9:30am and 11 :OOam on April 19, 2025 - Informational.
5. Asst. Finance Dir Daish: RESOLUTION: A Resolution Authorizing and Approving the Opening of a Money Market Account with Wintrust Commercial Banking.
6. Asst. Finance Dir Daish: Approval of agreement with GW & Associates, P.C. to perform the 2024 audit services for a proposed fee of $95,000.00.
7. PW Dir. Schiller: Recommendation to approve Phase 3 Construction agreement with CBBEL not to exceed the amount of$1 ,757,230.00.
K. Consent Agenda:
1. Payroll: 01115/25 - $1,617,976.54-lnformational.
2. Payables: 01116/25 to 01/29/25 in the amount of$4,000,331.65 -Informational.
Committee / Ward Announcements