
West Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Bellwood Village Board met Oct. 16

Webp 6

Mayor Andre F Harvey | Village of Bellwood

Mayor Andre F Harvey | Village of Bellwood

Village of Bellwood Village Board met Oct. 16

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

Call to Order 

The Board meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Bellwood was called to order by Mayor Harvey at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. 

Roll Call 

Present: Mayor Andre Harvey, Village Clerk Janel Moreland, Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale. 

Pledge of Allegiance 

The Village Board and others in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Harvey. 

Approval of Agenda 

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to approve the October 16, 2024, Regular Board Meeting Agenda. Trustee Robinson moved, seconded by Trustee Holman to approve the board meeting agenda. Upon a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously to approve the October 16, 2024, Board Meeting Agenda. 

Approval of Minutes: 

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to approve the minutes of the (Special) Board meeting on September 9, 2024. Trustee Delgado moved, seconded by Trustee Boston, to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the (Special) Board meeting and approve the minutes as presented. Upon a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously. 


● None 

Committee Reports 

A. Public Works Department 

Trustee Ciavattone reported the following: 

I have several items to report from the Public Works for the month of September 2024. 

Water main breaks -- 8, Street light pole replaced - 1, sidewalk inspections - 18. Tree trimming continues throughout the village, weather permitting. 

We are recommending the following items on the consent agenda: 

● Item D - Approves the lowest bid for removal of soil from the village yard. 

3 members of Homeland Security were honored with the Presidential Volunteer Service Award 2023 and a total of 5 members earned awards for that period. We are thankful for the countless hours that they volunteer. 

Always remember our first responders, police, fire, medical personnel, active-duty military, veterans, homeland security, emergency management and volunteers. 

B.  Community Development 

Trustee Boston reported the following: 

I have nothing new to report from the Community Development Committee. I would like to remind everyone that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Early Detection is key. 

We are recommending for the consent agenda: 

● Item F - Approves a Class 6b SER Real Estate Tax Incentive for property commonly referred to ad 4700-4800 Proviso Drive. 

C. Quality of Life 

Trustee Holman reported the following: 

The committee of Quality of Life, The Building Department approved 115 permits in September and 125 permits were picked up by the applicant by the end of the month. Bellwood Community Resource Center monthly activity from September 1-September 30, 2024, had 69 patrons. 

We are recommending the following items from the Consent Agenda: 

● Items A & B - Approves text amendment to the village zoning codes. 

● Item E -- Approves conditional use and related variances for property commonly referred to as 407 S. 25th Avenue.

D. Administration 

Trustee Robinson reported the following: 

We are recommending one item for the Consent Agenda: 

● Item C - Approves a conflict-of-interest policy. 

F. Public Safety 

Trustee Delgado reported the following: 

We have no items appearing on the consent agenda. 

D. Finance Committee 

Trustee Nightengale reported the following: 

We have no items appearing on the Consent Agenda. 

I would like a motion to pay bills in the amount of $3,205,155.05 when funds become available. 

Trustee Ciavattone moved, seconded by Trustee Holman, to pay the bills when funds become available.

The results of the roll call vote are as follows: 

Ayes: 6 Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale 

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0 

Absent: 0

Ad Hoc Committees: Nothing to report. 

Ordinance 24-19 

A. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 156.056 of the Village of Bellwood Code of Ordinances; Allowed Uses in the B-1 Zoning District. 

Ordinance 24-20 

B. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 156.043 of the Village of Bellwood Code of Ordinances; Permitted Uses in the R-3 Zoning District. 

Resolution 24-64 

C. A Resolution Approving and Adopting a Conflict-of-Interest Policy. 

Resolution 24-65 

D. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract by and between the Village of Bellwood and Rodrguez Express, Inc. 

Ordinance 24-21 

E. An Ordinance Granting the Approval of a Conditional Use for a Multiple-Family Dwelling Building and Certain Variances from the Village Code Related Thereto for the Property Located at 407 South 25th Avenue, Bellwood, IL 60104. 

Resolution 24-66 

F. A Resolution Approving a Class 6B SER Real Estate Tax Incentive for the Property Commonly Referred to as 4700-4800 Proviso Drive, Bellwood, Cook County, Illinois 60104.

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to place the items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Trustee Delgado moved, seconded by Trustee Ciavattone. 

The results of the roll call vote are as follows: 

Ayes: 6 Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale 

Nays: 0 

Abstain: 0 

Absent: 0 

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Trustee Holman, seconded by Trustee Delgado. 

The results of the roll call vote are as follows: 

Ayes: 6 Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale 

Nays: 0 

Abstain: 0 

Absent: 0 

Village Clerk's Report 

The Village Clerk no longer gives a report, and it has been removed from the Board Meeting Agenda at the request of Mayor Harvey. 

Mayor's Report 

Mayor Harvey reported the following: 

● I want to thank everyone that came to the Hispanic Heritage Event this past weekend. 

● The Tour de Proviso bike ride had over 400 participants in the bike ride. Thanks everyone that came out. People are proud and amazed to see that our community do what it does. We are the luckiest community because every department works together. That doesn't happen in other communities. 

● Early voting starts Monday, October 21st here at the village of Bellwood, 

● Fire Department thanks for putting on the event last Saturday with the Deltas. Our departments are moving forward. Our village is a place that you would want to be in. 

● College fair for our youth at Proviso Township High School on October 22nd. 

● The Neighborhood Watch Meeting tomorrow starts a little earlier at 6:30pm. It is the last one for the year. Tara Stamps will talk about how voting impacts healthcare and Age Options will be there. 

● Not long ago, we had Larry Rogers Property Tax Appeal forum. We had about 100 people come out to learn about property tax and the triangle assessment. Make sure you have your exemptions on your tax bill and check them.

New Business: 


Unfinished Business: 


Public Comment: 

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to open the floor for Public Comment. 

Trustee Delgado made a motion and Trustee Ciavattone seconded to open the floor for public comment. All Trustees were in favor of opening the floor. Upon a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously. Mayor Harvey declared the floor for public comment open. 

● There were no public comments 

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to close the floor for Public Comment. 

Trustee Holman made a motion and Trustee Boston seconded to close the floor for public comment. 

All Trustees were in favor of closing the floor. Upon a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously. Mayor Harvey declared the floor for public comment closed. 


Mayor Harvey requested a motion to adjourn the Board meeting. Trustee Delgado moved, seconded by Trustee Holman, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously. Mayor Harvey declared the meeting adjourned, with no further business to come before this Board, this meeting stands adjourned at 6:15p.m.
