
West Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Bellwood Village Board met Aug. 21

Webp 9

Annie Delgado, Trustee | Village of Bellwood

Annie Delgado, Trustee | Village of Bellwood

Village of Bellwood Village Board met Aug. 21

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Village of Bellwood conducted a Committee of the Whole meeting on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, at 6:02 p.m. in the Village Board Room at 3200 Washington Boulevard, Bellwood, IL. 60104-1984. 

Call to Order 

The Board meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Bellwood was called to order by Mayor Harvey at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. 

Roll Call 

Present: Mayor Andre Harvey, Village Clerk Janel Moreland, Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale. 

Pledge of Allegiance 

The Village Board and others in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Harvey, 

Approval of Agenda 

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to approve the August 21, 2024, Regular Board Meeting Agenda. Trustee Boston moved, seconded by Trustee Holman to approve the board meeting agenda. Upon a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously to approve the August 21, 2024, Board Meeting Agenda. 

Approval of Minutes: 

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to approve the minutes of the last Board meeting on July 17, 2024. Trustee Delgado moved, seconded by Trustee Nightengale, to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last Board meeting and approve the minutes as presented. Upon a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously. 


● None 

Committee Reports 

A. Public Works Department 

Trustee Ciavattone reported the following: 

I have several items to report from the Public Works for the month of July 2024. 

Water main breaks -- 4, Sewer mains jetted - 1, Street lights repaired ---4, street signs replaced - 34, sidewalk inspections - 136, 7 streets resurfaced at different locations throughout the village. Tree maintenance continues throughout the village, weather permitting. 

We are recommending the following items on the consent agenda: 

● Item E - Approves the engineering agreement for IEPA loan application process.

● Item G - Approves the lowest responsible bidder for the Maywood Drive Street Resurfacing Project. 

Always remember our first responders, police, fire, medical personnel, active-duty military, veterans, homeland security, emergency management and volunteers. 

B. Community Development 

Trustee Boston reported the following: 

I have nothing new to report from the Community Development Committee and there's nothing appearing on the Consent Agenda. I would like to say congratulations Mayor to another wonderful, successful Taste of Bellwood. 

C. Quality of Life 

Trustee Holman reported the following: 

The committee of Quality of Life, The Building Department approved 155 permits in June and 165 permits were picked up by the applicant by the end of the month. Bellwood Community Resource Center monthly activity from July 1-June 31, 2024, had 76 patrons. 

We are recommending the following items from the Consent Agenda: 

● Item B - Approves a MOU for participation project with the Neighborhood Heroes. 

D. Administration 

Trustee Robinson reported the following: 

We are recommending the following items from the Consent Agenda: 

● Item C - Approves the settlement pending litigation. 

G. Public Safety 

Trustee Delgado reported the following: 

● Item A- Approves a MOU with Cook County for the Alert Cook. 

● Item D-- Approves the purchase of new tasers. 

● Item F - Approves an IGA with the City of Chicago. 

D. Finance Committee 

Trustee Nightengale reported the following: 

We have no items appearing on the Consent Agenda. 

I would like a motion to pay bills in the amount of $2,191,007.56 when funds become available. 

Trustee Ciavattone moved, seconded by Trustee Boston, to pay the bills when funds become available. The results of the roll call vote are as follows: 

Ayes: 6 Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale 

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 0

Ad Hoc Committees: Nothing to report. 

Resolution 24-53 

A. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding by and between the Village of Bellwood and the County of Cook. Resolution 24-54 

B. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding by and between the Village of Bellwood and Neighborhood Heroes Foundation. 

Resolution 24-55 

C. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Settlement Contract and Release by and between the Village of Bellwood and Alyssa Griffin. 

Resolution 24-56 

D. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement by and between the Village of Bellwood and Axon Enterprises, Inc. 

Resolution 24-57 

E. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Amended Agreement by and between the Village of Bellwood and Edwin Hancock Engineering Company. 

Resolution 24-58 

F. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the Village of Bellwood and the City of Chicago. 

Resolution 24-59 

G. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract by and between the Village of Bellwood and Schroeder Asphalt Services, Inc. the Lowest Responsible Bidder. 

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to place the items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Trustee Holman moved, seconded by Trustee Nightengale. 

The results of the roll call vote are as follows: 

Ayes: 6 Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale 

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 0 

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Trustee Delgado, seconded by Trustee Ciavattone. 

The results of the roll call vote are as follows: 

Ayes: 6 Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale 

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

 Absent: 0

Village Clerk's Report 

The Village Clerk no longer gives a report, and it has been removed from the Board Meeting Agenda at the request of Mayor Harvey. 

Mayor's Report 

Mayor Harvey reported the following: 

● When we started the Taste of Bellwood 2017, we had about 50,000 residents that came over. It was a 2-day event. Now, we're well over 50-55,000 that comes over the weekend. Most of everyone I talked to says it's a wonderful event. 

● I went to the schools today, Roosevelt, McKinley and Thurgood Marshall. I talked to the young people about the Taste and all of them said they loved it and we should do it every year. I also had a chance to talk to the teachers and the brand-new principal at Roosevelt not from this area and she said the Taste of Bellwood was her first event in Bellwood. She loves and appreciates it and felt so welcome in Bellwood. The teachers love her. 

● A couple of weeks ago I went to Ms. Hannah 102nd birthday party. About 6 days later she passed away. Her funeral was last Saturday. She lived in Bellwood for over 50 years. 

● Chicago PD will be filming in Bellwood sometime next week; I won't reveal the days. Chicago Fire filmed here before now Chicago PD will film here. I won't tell people the date because they don' want people on set. They'll be filming in about 3 locations in Bellwood doing small chase scenes. 

● Thanks, John Reitz, for getting the elevator up and running. 

● We had a full house at the Neighborhood Watch Meeting last Thursday. We had the assessor Fritz Kaegi here to explain to the people what's going on with the assessment. I would say the good thing about tax assessments in the village of Bellwood is property values are going up, which is a good thing. I know people don't want to pay any more taxes and I will say again that the Villag of Bellwood has not raised its levy and taxes in well over 10 years and we won't be raising the levy anytime soon, I cannot control the other 16 levies on the tax bill we will continue to push new development here in Bellwood. We have a few things going on. Working on St. Charles Rd. You will see new development on 25th & Madison very soon.

New Business: 


Unfinished Business: 


Public Comment: 

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to open the floor for Public Comment. 

Trustee Delgado made a motion and Trustee Boston seconded to open the floor for public comment. All Trustees were in favor of opening the floor. Upon a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously. Mayor Harvey declared the floor for public comment open. 

● Gay Chase -- How many participants did you say we had at the taste of Bellwood when it was 2 days? 

Mayor - About 5,000. 

● Roy Canada - I like to make the community aware of what's going on. I ride a lot and some of you all don't see what I see especially the police dept. Chief, the McDonalds on 25th & Washington, we need to start keeping police in that area since school started. The kids want to take over, beating on tables and kicking on the door. I call them Bae Bae kids that go to Roosevelt, and they don't understand that they are our future. Mayor - When they're doing that dial 911 and send the police over there. Trustee Holman - They're locked outside of the school, the bus picks them up at 7 something in the morning and they have to stay outside until 8am or the doors open. Canada - These kids are out here like 10am, I don't know if it's lunch time or break time but it's very disrespectful. Mayor - Dial 911 that will solve it. Canada - I'm not a cry baby but something needs to happen because it's bad over there. Mayor - Dial 911 you'll get every officer on the force over there. 

Canada - I received the letter the meeting we have going on now was going to be for 7pm instead of 6pm. Mayor - That letter was about the tax meeting we had. Canada - No it's downstairs on the billboard too the time says 7 o'clock instead of 6 o'clock. Mayor - I would like to see that one. Canada -- it was throwing me off too. If it wasn't for your honor (Gay Chase) I would've left.

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to close the floor for Public Comment. 

Trustee Ciavattone made a motion and Trustee Holman seconded to open the floor for public comment. All Trustees were in favor of opening the floor. Upon a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously. Mayor Harvey declared the floor for public comment open. 


Mayor Harvey requested a motion to adjourn the Board meeting. Trustee Delgado moved, seconded by Trustee Holman, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously. Mayor Harvey declared the meeting adjourned, with no further business to come before this Board, this meeting stands adjourned at 6:18p.m. 
