
West Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Bellwood Village Board met July 17

Webp 6

Mayor Andre F Harvey | Village of Bellwood

Mayor Andre F Harvey | Village of Bellwood

Village of Bellwood Village Board met July 17

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order 

The Board meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Bellwood was called to order by Mayor Harvey at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 17, 2024. 

Roll Call 

Present: Mayor Andre Harvey, Village Clerk Janel Moreland, Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale. 

Pledge of Allegiance 

The Village Board and others in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Harvey. 

Approval of Agenda 

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to approve the July 17, 2024, Regular Board Meeting Agenda. Trustee Gloria moved, seconded by Trustee Boston to approve the board meeting agenda. Upon a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously to approve the July 17, 2024, Board Meeting Agenda. 

Approval of Minutes: 

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to approve the minutes of the last regular Board meeting on June 12, 2024. Trustee Robinson moved, seconded by Trustee Nightengale, to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last Board meeting and approve the minutes as presented. Upon a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously. 


• None 

Committee Reports 

A. Public Works Department 

Trustee Ciavattone reported the following: 

I have several items to report from the Public Works for the month of June 2024. 

Fire hydrant auxiliary valves replaced - 2, Sewer mains jetted - 1, Street lights repaired - 4, street signs replaced - 48, sidewalk inspections - 19, Potholes filled throughout the village - 185. 

The Village of Bellwood 2023 Water Quality report has been mailed out. 

We are recommending the following items on the consent agenda; 

• Item C - Approves the lowest responsible bidder for the 2024 Pavement Patching Project. Always remember our first responders, police, fire, medical personnel, active-duty military, veterans, homeland security, emergency management and volunteers. 

B.  Community Development 

Trustee Boston reported the following: 

I have nothing to report from the Community Development Committee. 

We are recommending the following items from the Consent Agenda: 

• Item D - Amends the previously approved ordinance pertaining to the issuance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds. 

C. Quality of Life 

Trustee Holman reported the following: 

The committee of Quality of Life, Bellwood Community Resource Center monthly activity from June 1 – June 30, 2024, had 72 patrons. The Building Department approved 151 permits in June and 165 permits were picked up by the applicant by the end of the month. 

We are recommending the following items from the Consent Agenda: 

• Item A -- Approves the demolition of the structure at 520 24th Avenue. 

D. Administration 

Trustee Robinson reported the following: 

The Neighborhood Watch Scholarship Board met Saturday, and we have 2 returning and 5 new students and 7 in all. 

We are recommending the following items from the Consent Agenda: 

• Item B - Approves settlement litigation. 

F. Public Safety 

Trustee Delgado reported the following: 

We have no items appearing on the Consent Agenda. 

D. Finance Committee 

Trustee Nightengale reported the following: 

We have no items appearing on the Consent Agenda. 

I would like a motion to pay bills in the amount of $2,666,243.58 when funds become available. 

Trustee Ciavattone moved, seconded by Trustee Robinson, to pay the bills when funds become available. The results of the roll call vote are as follows: 

Ayes: 6 Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale 

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 0

Ad Hoc Committees: Nothing to report. 

Resolution 24-50 

A. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement by and between the Village of Bellwood and MCF Builders, Incorporated. 

Resolution 24-51 

B. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Settlement Relating to Opioids Litigation by and between the Village of Bellwood and Defendant Pharmaceutical Companies. 

Resolution 24-47 

C. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract by and between the Village of Bellwood and McGill Construction Co., LLC the Lowest Responsible Bidder. 

Ordinance 24-15 

D. An Ordinance Supplementing Ordinance No. 24-13 Providing for the Issuance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds of the Village of Bellwood, Cook County, Illinois, for the Purpose of Amending the Refunded Bonds set forth therein.

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to place the items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Trustee Delgado moved, seconded by Trustee Holman. 

The results of the roll call vote are as follows: 

Ayes: 6 Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale 

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0 

Absent: 0

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Trustee Boston, seconded by Trustee Delgado. 

The results of the roll call vote are as follows: 

Ayes: 6 Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale 

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 0

Village Clerk's Report 

The Village Clerk no longer gives a report, and it has been removed from the Board Meeting Agenda at the request of Mayor Harvey. 

Mayor's Report 

Mayor Harvey reported the following: 

7/18/2024-Neighborhood Watch Meeting, Proviso Township Medicare benefits enroll of the senior health program presentation and Department of Aging, beware of Medicare fraud. Thanks to everyone that came out to the last Neighborhood Watch Meeting. We had Cook County Clerk's Office speaking about living trust and wills after death. 

7/25/2024 - Free immunization coming to the village of Bellwood. You do have to make an appointment. Call Deborah Jenkins in the Human Resource Office at (708) 547-3500 ext 1514. The Taste of Bellwood is soon approaching, August 9-11. It's our 7th Annual. We will have church service. Pastor Hill of Monroe Baptist will have his church service at the Taste this year. 

New Business: 


Unfinished Business: 


Public Comment: 

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to open the floor for Public Comment. 

Trustee Ciavattone made a motion and Trustee Holman seconded to open the floor for public comment. All Trustees were in favor of opening the floor. Upon a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously. Mayor Harvey declared the floor for public comment open. 

• Roy Canada -- 47-year resident. His taxes went up $4500 because he didn't contact downtown to sign the senior freeze based off his income. Go to social security to get your 1099 form and a letter that tells how much you get a year before you go to Proviso Township. I won't get anything within 2 weeks, but it saved me money. Mayor - If you go to the tax assessor's offices downtown, Bridgeview, Skokie or Markham, they will do it right on the spot and will get it right away. Check your tax bills and make sure those exemptions are on it. 

• Jimmy Golden - My taxes also went up but not because of the senior exemption. It went up to the reservoir that was built. It shows my taxes as an increase of $4,000 and the only increase was the reservoir. Mayor - On your tax bill is an Addison Creek TIF not the detention pond, it's an area that it encompasses. Take your last year tax bill and compare it to this year and check your EAV (Equalized Assessed Value). Golden - My EAV went up $4000 and this is the first time I've ever been charged for that reservoir. Mayor - You're not charged for the reservoir. Look at your assessed value, the increase is going to come out to about $4000. The TIF does, all the taxing bodies on your tax bill have agreed to take all that money and put it into the TIF, so it shows all that money going into the Addison TIF that will go to all those other taxing bodies. So, if you don't live in the TIF and you increase by the same amount of money, it just goes to the 16 taxing bodies. It's the same amount. Golden - Is there a way to have an explanation sent out in writing in the newsletter. Mayor - We'll put it in the newsletter, which comes out August 8th and we always have a meeting with Assessor's Office October 10th but we're gonna try and have one in July. On your tax bill, placing that money in the TIF makes people believe they're paying extra money, which they're not. We do have a meeting every year to explain taxes and appeals. 

• Jimmy Golden - Permits, I had a hole in my screen door, so I had to get a permit to put in a new screen door and it takes a day or so to do the paperwork and get it back. Is there a way for essential items where we can get same day permits? Mayor - Based on the circumstances/emergency. 

• Reverend Anthony Farmer and wife Shirley Farmer - We live on 49th Avenue and this past weekend the water was coming up through the drains. What is the reservoir doing for us? On our block we don't have mini reservoirs. They put them on 50th, 51st and 52nd but 49th and Randolph is nothing. Shirley Farmer -- I want to understand why the sewer was backing up into my basement and I called the plumber thinking it was my issue and all the sewers were filled to capacity. He informed me that there was nowhere for it to go, and it was a village problem. I called the village, they sent a guy over, he did the exact same thing and he said we can't help you. Why would that happen and what can be done? Mayor - Reservoir and sewer are two separate entities. The reservoir collects rainwater. Sewer backup - I don't know how much rain came down and how the sewer and your house are connected. If you had a backflow valve the water wouldn't have come in. Mrs. Farmer - The plumber told us about that. We knew nothing about it. He also gave us an astronomical figure to install. It was ridiculous but we're doing our research to find out what's the best way to go. I was just wondering, as far as the village is concerned, can anything be done. Mayor -- I don't know how much rain came down. Our system is a mechanical system. Our street and water department will look into it and get back with you on if there was a failure. Mrs. Farmer - Was there a way to keep pumping the water out? Mayor - It is a mechanical device like a sump pump. Mrs. Farmer - There's no system in place when you have heavy rain? It just pumps like normal. Mayor - When the God Lord opens up, it's hard for us to know how much rain is coming down. The pumps are full to capacity, so I can't say the pumps are not built for that. I just don't know how much water came down. Reverend Farmer - I have a few friends that lives in Berkeley and Hillside. They said when they had the check valve and clean up installed, the village had grants to help them with the cost? Is there any type of grant in Bellwood? Mayor - not at this time. Years ago, they were talking about grants when we had these floods, but the grants never materialized. They come from the State. 

• Eric Mercado - Im a newer resident. I purchased a multi-unit building in December, the alley way between 25th & 24th street. Mayor - What hundred block? What's your address? Mercado -- I don't want to give you, my address. Mayor - your neighbor's address? Mercado - you mean the problematic neighbor? 509 25th across from McDonald's between Randolph and Washington. That area is extremely dark and it's an area where there's been a lot of criminal activity. The property that has been the major culprit is on the agenda to demolish. There are other homes still affiliated with that property. Mayor - you gotta give me the address of the homes that are affiliated. Mercado - I've communicated that to the police already. This is public comment and you've already taken my name and as the people review the minutes, I'm not looking to be a target for anybody. Mayor - I'm gonna keep my mouth closed today, go ahead. Mercado - the reason for me coming here is because the alley is extremely dark, and I'd like to ask. I think you have to work with ComEd or some other agencies to put more lighting in the alleyways between those blocks because one of them is extremely dim for all the activity that happens there it's not enough light. That is the request. Mayor – Okay. Mercado - Can that be done? Mayor - Okay, thank you, Mercado - I'm a little lost. Mayor - about what? I said okay and thank you. Where are you lost at? You asked me a request, I said ok and thank you means I acknowledge your request and thank you. Mercado - yes you did but I'm asking if that's something that can be done? Mayor - I have to ask Commonwealth Edison, Sir. You just told me it's a ComEd issue, so I have to go to them and say that Eric requested this, and can we have it done? Mercado - okay, thank you.

• Shirely Taylor, 1100 block of 31" Avenue - What's the purpose of paying for a permit when you need some simple work done on your home? Mayor - We need information to know who's doing the work, so our homeowners don't get scammed. Taylor - What's the purpose of paying for permits? Mayor - The processing fee of the permit and it goes by the price of the job, for instance, if someone does a big job they pay a bigger fee. Taylor - So, you pay according to the job being done and what it's going to cost, correct? Mayor - That's correct. Taylor - I put in for a permit to replace 4 boards on my deck steps. She told me $65 for a permit. I told her I wasn't going to do it. To me that's too much money for a permit just to replace 4 boards, that's about 40 inches long. So, you go by what the job costs to determine what the permit will cost? Mayor –- Yes, they process the permit to determine the fee. 

• Jimmy Golden - For sidewalks, who's responsible for new concrete? Is it homeowner? Mayor -- by ordinance, the homeowner is responsible. Golden - So, if I wanted to get the concrete fixed in front of my house, I have to hire someone and get it done? Mayor - Yes, come to the building department. Golden - Who's in charge of the Building Dept. Mayor – Mr. Stock right over there. Golden - Mr. Stock, what are your office hours? Jim Stock – I'm here at 7am - 5pm all day. Golden -- When I get some free time I'll come and see you one day, 

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to close the floor for Public Comment. 

Trustee Ciavattone made a motion and Trustee Boston seconded to open the floor for public comment. 

All Trustees were in favor of opening the floor. Upon a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously. Mayor Harvey declared the floor for public comment open. 


Mayor Harvey requested a motion to adjourn the Board meeting. Trustee Delgado moved, seconded by Trustee Boston, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously. Mayor Harvey declared the meeting adjourned, with no further business to come before this Board, this meeting stands adjourned at 6:31p.m. 
