
West Cook News

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Village of Bellwood Committee of a Whole met June 10

Webp 10

Gloria Holman, Trustee | Village of Bellwood

Gloria Holman, Trustee | Village of Bellwood

Village of Bellwood Committee of a Whole met June 10

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1 Call to Order

2 Roll Call: Mayor Harvey, Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, Nightengale

3 Pledge of Allegiance

4 Approval of Agenda

5 Approval of Minutes

6 Trustee Committee Reports

a Public Works – Trustee Ciavattone, Chairman; Trustee Delgado, Member,

b Community Development – Trustee Boston, Chairman; Trustee Robinson, Member,

c Quality of Life – Trustee Holman, Chairman; Trustee Boston, Member,

d Administration – Trustee Robinson, Chairman; Trustee Ciavattone, Member,

e Public Safety – Trustee Delgado, Chairman; Trustee Nightengale, Member,

f Finance – Trustee Nightengale, Chairman; Trustee Holman, Member,

g Ad Hoc Committees –Traffic Safety - Trustee Nightengale, Chairman; Trustee Holman, Member.

7 Department Head Reports

a Economic Development

i Capital Projects

ii Developmental Projects

b Finance Director/Comptroller

i Utility Collection Billing and Collection Status

ii Payment of Bills

iii Review of Revenue and Investments

iv Inventory

v Bidding

c Police Department – Police Chief

d Fire Department – Fire Chief

e Director of Emergency Services

f Director of Public Works

i Street Department

ii Water Department

g Village Engineer

h Building Commissioner

i Director of Human Resources

j Village Attorney/Corporation Counsel

i Litigation (item to be reported on in executive session if required),

ii Contract negotiations (item to be reported on in executive session if required), and

iii Pending legal matters

8 Mayor’s Report

9 New Business

a Discussion twenty-million-dollar bond refunding,

b Discussion issuance of a promissory note to secure interim financing,

c Discussion village hall remodeling project,

d Discussion purchase of street light poles,

e Discussion purchase of a sound system,

f Discussion annual adoption of highway maintenance program,

g Discussion engineering agreement 2024 sidewalk replacement project,

h Discussion engineering agreement traffic signal upgrades,

i Discussion engineering agreement alley reconstruction project,

j Discussion GSG Consultants,

k Discussion engineering agreement perform on site material testing,

l Discussion engineering agreement UST removal,

m Discussion zoning variance,

n Discussion agreements Bellwood Gateway Project,

o Discussion engineering agreement energy efficiency analysis,

Unfinished Business

10 Public Comment

11 Adjournment




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