
West Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Gas prices hit record highs over summer


Provided Photo from Mike Koolidge

Provided Photo from Mike Koolidge

Gas prices throughout the state of Illinois reached record highs in the month of June and remained higher than the national average throughout the month of July. 

According to the American Petroleum Institute, reasons include the state of Illinois under its EPA standards must burn a cleaner blend of gasoline throughout the summer months, and because the state raised its gas tax in 2021, giving Illinois the second highest gas taxes in the nation, trailing only California, according to the Peoria Star Journal.

Area residents are quick to point the finger, according to PBR PAC. 

“I think it has a lot to do with our leadership, our politicians as a whole, our state officials, our city officials, I think our elected officials need to be held accountable and listen to the people who they say they serve,” said a Chicago respondent who identified as Que. 

Amid the debate over gasoline prices and who is responsible for them, the American Automobile Association noted the national gasoline price average has dipped to $4.327 per gallon, 37% higher than this time last year. According to AAA, the price is the result of a drop in demand for oil. AAA noted on its website that demand during the first week of July fell by 9.7% to 8.73 million barrels daily. 

While paying some of the highest prices in the nation, Illinois consumers saw a 7.5% drop in prices in July, higher than the national average slide of 6.5%, according to NBC Chicago.