
West Cook News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Village of Franklin Park Plan Commission met August 21

Webp meet

Village of Franklin Park Plan Commission met Aug. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

1. The regularly scheduled meeting of the Plan Commission was called to order at 7:06 p.m.

2. A quorum was present. Chairman Patricia Letarte, Mike Rickert, Daniel Particelli, , Teresa Badillo, Ryan Adriatico (Planner), and Lisa Manzo (Plan Secretary). Absent: Alma Montenegro and Linda Suwalski.

3. Member Rickert made a motion to accept the minutes of July 24, 2019 as presented. Member Badillo seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion carried.

4. Public Comment: None.

5. New Business: Discussion of New Uses in Village Districts – Commercial Manufacturing

Mr. Adriatico began the meeting with seating the members in a round table-like forum. The Ariel map of the Commercial Manufacturing District was in the center so that the members can have a hands-on view of the area in question for today’s meeting.

The purpose of the meeting was a planning session so that the members can discuss and assess what uses they would like to see along Pacific and Franklin Avenues as far as future land uses. This input will be used and forwarded over to the new Village Consultant that will be re-writing the Zoning Code in the future. He asked the members to think of different uses to revitalize the Downtown District. What can be infused in the District?

Mr. Adriatico stated that the buildings in this district were built lot line to lot line. One idea that he had was to install bump-outs along Pacific Avenue to liven up the area. The use of planters to retain rain water is a positive feature.

The members had many ideas for Pacific and Franklin Avenues. They discussed the positive aspects to this district. The members stated that screened fencing erected along the railroad tracks to hide the buildings with equipment/material/outside storage at the rear of the property would be a positive.

The members stated that parking is a major concern along Pacific and Franklin Avenues. They discussed as properties sell, the owners should work with the Village to converse to see what recommendations they may have to see the exterior of the buildings to be aesthetically pleasing.

The members continued to state that the Village should purchase/acquire properties to demolish and use the area for parking. In addition to this, some of the parking lots can be “shared” lots in which the neighboring property owners can contribute funds to maintain those lots.

More ideas the members had was to use the properties for Park space, a skate board park (which residents would be charged a nominal fee to gain entry), the construction of Art Murals along the buildings so when the trains pass, they would see all the local artists’ work.

The members stated that at the Mannheim Road Metra train stop, to use adjacent properties as “tear downs” to add more parking for the Metra riders/patrons.

The members also stated that as the zoning code is written that the standards are reinforced for this particular district.

6. Old Business: None.

7. Staff Update:

Mr. Adriatico stated that the Zoning Code Re-write is in the discussion phase with the consultants. They are very excited and looking forward to the next steps of this process.

8. Member Badillo made a motion to adjourn the meeting of the Plan Commission. It was seconded by Member Particelli. The motion was carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
