City of Northlake Youth Commission met March 13.
Here is the minutes as provided by the commission:
ATTENDANCE: Sheila Morgan, Sharon Budzon, John Morgan, Veronica Budzon, Mauricio Lopez
ABSENT: Rebecca Morgan
The minutes of the FEBRUARY 6, 2019 meeting were read. A motion was made by John to accept the minutes. Mauricio seconded the motion. All were in favor.
1. BUILDING BLOCK CRAFT NIGHT - 3/13/19 - This was held back at the Sandy Vasquez Center. We ran this like the sand crafts; no treat bags, no raffles, just the projects. It was exciting to have 54 people attend! Set-up and clean-up were minimal. It was very well received by our families.
2. Digital Advertising - Mauricio reported that we have had a number of hits on our Facebook page. We all need to check it out and "like" it at Northlake Youth Commission. Our good event turnout was due, in part, to this additional means of advertising.
3. 2019 CALENDAR - Sharon received approval from Liz for all of our 2019 event dates that will be at the Sandy Vasquez Community Center.
5. Laser Tag - This was tabled again until next month when Sheila hopes to have the details to discuss. Everyone is very excited about this idea and think the kids will love it.
1. EASTER "EGGS"TRAVAGANZA - 4/13/19 - This event runs from 11am to 12:30pm at Grant Park. We should arrive by 10am to set up. Liz inquired about our needs for this event and Sharon filled her in regarding our normal set-up in the gym. Veronica selected crafts and will be placing the order.
2. KIDS' BINGO-5/8/19 - Sharon bought prizes last time. Mauricio will take a turn for this event. We do have some assorted prizes left plus some building block kits we could use too.
There was no other business discussed. John moved for adjournment, seconded by Sharon. All were in favor. Youth Commission Chairperson, Sheila Morgan, adjourned the meeting at 5:45pm. NEXT MEETING: April 10, 2019 at 6:30pm. This will take place at City Hall.