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Village of Indian Head Park Planning & Zoning Commission met November 13

Webp meetingroom05

Village of Indian Head Park Planning & Zoning Commission met Nov. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

CALL TO ORDER –Chairperson, Noreen Costelloe


Commissioner David Anderson

Commissioner Diane Gormely-Barnes

Commissioner Greg Scovitch

Commissioner Danielle Svestka

Commissioner Robert Tantillo

Commissioner Rachel Thompson



Mayor Tom Hinshaw

Trustee Amy Wittenberg

Village Administrator John DuRocher

Nancy Pritz, fence discussion presenter


Chairperson Costelloe and the Planning and Zoning Commission members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


(An update to the October 3, 2018 meeting discussion requested by a group of Indian Head Park residents interested in the implementation of an amendment to the Village Ordinance No. 64-1).

Chairperson Costelloe began the Ordinance No. 64-1 discussion by introducing Ms. Nancy Pritz of 6465 Cherokee who is representing a group of residents interested in the possibility of an amendment to the Village fence Ordinance No. 64-1, which does not allow for fences unless around a pool, adjacent to a commercial area, or in the case of a handicap individual.

Ms. Pritz began her discussion by stating that their group would like to prepare and send out a Survey Monkey to the village residents in order to find out their overall feelings about the fence ordinance, and gain a broader sense of how the community feels about this subject. The survey would ask if the resident themselves would like a fence or not, and would they mind if their neighbor was able to obtain a fence. They are only including the residents located on Wolf Road and West of Wolf Road in their survey. Ms. Pritz explained they intend to inform residents about the Survey Monkey by the Indian Head Park residents Facebook site, and asked if the group would be able to distribute the information on the official Village Facebook site along with the Smoke Signal newsletter. Mayor Hinshaw informed Ms. Pritz that the next Smoke Signal newsletter will not be distributed for three months. Administrator DuRocher replied that the group is able to post the information on the Village Facebook site, as it is going to be public discussion. They are also considering sending members of their group out door to door, so the residents are able to submit an opinion verbally or, if preferred, they can respond to the Survey Monkey. Once this is completed, the group will prepare the results, and present them to the Commission at the January 2019 meeting, and discuss what steps will be taken if possible.

Discussion ensued.

Commissioner Danielle Svestka volunteered to be a Commission liaison to the group.

Commissioner Tantillo suggested utilizing multiple steps like hosting an open forum discussion at the Village Hall or a library, along with going door to door, and conducting a Survey Monkey in order to get the widest range of opinion.

Administrator DuRocher advised Ms. Pritz that the residents located in the Acacia Acres and on Arrowhead Trail are also single family resident areas that should be included in the survey.

It was agreed to list a separate line item in the survey for the allowance of fences on properties that back up to Wolf Road, in order to provide safety for those residents. It was also decided to require survey participants submit their address when completing their survey.

Administrator DuRocher reminded the Commission and Ms. Pritz, the Village is involved in a study to possibly receive a Wolf Road pedestrian walk and/or become a complete street.

Chairperson Costelloe suggested they wait to address the Grandfather Clause currently allowing fences and sheds in the Village, until they receive all the survey information and discuss both issues then. Administrator DuRocher stated Village Administration will be looking into the fences located in the Village that may have exceeded the grandfathered ten year allowance.

Chairperson Costelloe suggested when the group publishes communications; they present the residents with a view from both sides of the fence issue in an essay form for them to read.

In conclusion Ms. Pritz and the group will host an open forum, conduct a Survey Monkey, and go door to door in order to gather the opinion of the residents in regard to the fence ordinance. Ms. Pritz and the group will present the information collected at the January 2019 Planning and Zoning meeting.


Administrator DuRocher let the Commission know there was not much to report presently. The Village will be meeting with our redevelopment consultants Houseal Lavigne to gain some insight to move forward with rezoning. An Economic Development Consultant can be hired, but the Village is not quite ready for that yet. The Village is looking at the truck rental non- conforming uses on 70th Place and the Village may invest five to seven thousand dollars in the next fiscal year to force the annexation of a parcel of property across the street from the Public Works. Administrator DuRocher informed the Commission that a consultant suggested the area is perfect for a Top Golf entertainment location. Administrator DuRocher informed the Commissioners the Houseal Lavigne Consultants will be attending the January or February Planning and Zoning meeting to assist in the rezoning process of the 70th Place area.




Minutes of the Planning and Zoning October 2, 2018 meeting. (Revisions are in bold italic)

Chairperson Costelloe asked if there were any corrections to the Planning and Zoning minutes from October 2, 2018 as presented. Commissioner Svestka suggested changes to be made on Page 2 paragraph 5 sentence 3, which read; whoever signs the petition will be required to pay the text amendment application fee and to read; The Petitioner will be required to pay the text amendment application fee. Commissioner Gormely- Barnes had a suggestion on page 2 paragraph 3, which reads; does not allow for fences unless around a pool, commercial area, or in the case of a handicap individual. Also to read; does not allow for fences unless around a pool, adjacent to a commercial area, or in the case of a handicap individual. Commissioner Gormerley-Barnes also questioned sentence 2 in paragraph 4 on page 2 which consists of a statement made by Ms. Pritz, who is not present to verify what she stated at the October 2, 2018 meeting. Commissioner Gormerley-Barnes questioned the statement; it is her opinion, currently the majority of residents feel differently. To read; the majority of residents may now feel differently.

When asked, Recording Secretary Crowley stated that she composed the minutes from audio, and it was decided by the Commission not to change Ms. Pritz’s statements without her verification. Ms. Crowley informed the Commission that she would review the audio again for correct interpretation.

Commissioner Anderson motioned, seconded by Commissioner Svestka to approve the October 2, 2018 Planning and Zoning meeting minutes as modified. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote (7Ayes-0 Nays-0-Absent). 7- 0-0.


There being no other business to discuss, Commissioner Scovitch motioned, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, to adjourn the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at 8:27 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

(7 Ayes-0 Nays-0 Absent). 7-0-0.
