City of Northlake Finance and Rules Committee met July 16.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
A) Call to Order
B) Roll Call
C) Review and Approve Minutes of the June 11, 2018 Regular Meeting
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D) Approval of Expenditures Over One Thousand Dollars
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E) Approval of Warrants and Vouchers
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F) Approval of Commission Expenditures
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G) Unfinished Business (Finance Committee May Fast Track Any of the Following Items)
H) New Business (Finance Committee May Fast Track Any of the Following Items)
1) Discussion and motion to approve Ordinance O-15-2018; An Ordinance Providing for the Submission to the Electors the Question of Whether the Office of City Treasurer Should be Abolished.
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2) Discussion and motion to approve a Donation of $1,500.00 to U-Turn Covenant Church for their Back to School Hope Fest.
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3) Discussion and motion to approve ADA Compliant Railings for the Morse Drive Pedestrian Bridge.
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4) Discussion and motion to approve Resolution R-10-2018; A Resolution Approving a Sales Tax Sharing Agreement with Aldi Inc.
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5) Discussion and action regarding ground lease and related agreements for the Wisdom Village II Senior Citizen Building.
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I) Public Comments
J) Executive Session To Discuss Real Estate, Personnel And Litigation
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K) Adjournment
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