Village of Hillside Board of Trustees met July 9.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Comment
4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. April 9, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes
b. Semi-Annual Review of Closed Session Meeting Minutes
5. Accountant's Report - Lauterbach & Amen, LLP
a. Monthly Financial Report
b. Presentation and Approval of Bills
c. Additional Bills, if any
i. 2018 IPPFA Fall Conference Registration
6. Investment Report - Sawyer Falduto Asset Management, LLC
a. Quarterly Investment Performance Report
b. Review/Update Investment Policy
7. Communications or Reports
a. Affidavits of Continued Eligibility
8. Applications for Membership/Withdrawals from the Pension Fund
9. Applications for Retirement/Disability Benefits
a. Approve Regular Retirement Benefits - Don Brown
10. Trustee Training Updates
a. Discussion/Possible Action - Paul Wegner 32 Hour Training
11. Old Business
a. Board Officer Elections - President, Vice President, Secretary & Assistant Secretary
b. Discussion/Possible Approval of Updated Board Rules and Regulations
12. New Business
a. Review Preliminary Actuarial Valuation
b. Review/Approve Fiduciary Liability Insurance Policy
c. IDOI Annual Statement
13. Attorney's Report
a. Legal Updates
14. Closed Session, if needed
15. Adjournment