
West Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of North Riverside Board of Trustees met May 21.

Webp meeting372

Village of North Riverside Board of Trustees met May 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Mayor Hermanek called the meeting to order with a Pledge of Allegiance and a Roll Call. In attendance were Trustee Bianco, Trustee Czajka, Trustee Demopoulos, Trustee Flores, Trustee Mengoni and Trustee Sarro.

Others in attendance were Finance Director Scarpiniti, Attorney Hayes, Police Chief Garcia, Recreation Program Coordinator Bryant Rouleau, Public Works Director Kutt and Fire Chief Gaertner.

Approval Of Agenda:

Trustee Mengoni moved seconded by Trustee Czajka to approve the revised agenda. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Bids- None

Cash Receipt Report:

Trustee Mengoni moved and Trustee Bianco seconded to accept the Cash Receipt Report for the month of April 2018 in the amount of $1,786,534.57 as presented. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Approval Of Minutes:

Trustee Czajka moved, seconded by Trustee Demopoulos to approve the May 7, 2018 Village Board Meeting Minutes as presented. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Report Of Trustees:

Trustee Bianco- ( Water, Sewers, Drainage & Zoning)-

Trustee Bianco submitted the April 11th Brookfield North Riverside Water Commission Meeting Minutes and Agenda to Clerk Ranieri and read the following memo from Robert Novotny, Water Superintendent from the Brookfield North Riverside Water Commission:

As approved by our customers last year, the Commission is now adjusting the Water Rates on June 1st of each year, which coincides with the City of Chicago’s schedule. Therefore, the new water rate for 2018-2019 will increase by $0.17 from the old rate of $5.15 per thousand to $5.32 per thousand gallons. This rate will be reflected on your July water bill for water used in June 2018.

Trustee Czajka- (Judiciary, Ordinances, Recreation)- No report

Trustee Demopoulos( Streets, Alleys, Sidewalks & Garbage- No report

Trustee Flores- ( Police, Fire & License)-

Trustee Flores read the following report from the Fire Department:

As you may know the North Riverside Fire Department has partnered with the Illinois Fire Safety Alliance and the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal in providing the new “Be Alarmed” Smoke Alarm Installation Program. To date, the fire department has distributed and installed over 25 of these free smoke detectors for residents. If you are interested in replacing your broken or expired smoke detectors, please stop by the Village Commons to fill out a card to receive your smoke detectors and schedule your installation.

This week, May 20th through May 26th is Emergency Medical Service Week which honors our pre- hospital emergency medical responders.

Trustee Mengoni- ( Finance Health & Appropriations)

Trustee Mengoni read the following report from the May 14th Finance Committee Meeting:

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm and the following is a summary of the meeting:

Item #1: Discussion on Opioid Crisis: Administrator Belmonte informed the committee that Mayor Hermanek was approached by Mayor Ron Serpico of Melrose Park to join in on a class action suit against the opioid manufacturers and distributors. Mayor Serpico’s family has been affected by a member being addicted to a prescription drug. An American dies from an opioid overdose every sixteen minutes and prescription opioid overdose deaths in America now outnumber firearm homicides. Mayor Serpico has joined with Edelson P.C. to file this class action suit. They currently have

14-municipalies who have signed up with another 11 in the works to join. Some of the municipalities who have joined are Berwyn, Bellwood, Berkeley, Hillside, Northlake and Riverside to name a few. Administrator Belmonte explained there is no cost to the Village unless there is a judgement in the Village’s favor. The committee discussed the matter and than Trustee Sarro motioned and Trustee Flores seconed authorizing the retention of Edelson PC in connection with litigation related to the opioid crisis. The motion passed with all committee members voting yes, Trustee Mengoni polled the other two trustees present who agreed with the motion.

Item #2: Discussion of NRPM’s Application for a Class 7C Tax Application: Administrator Belmonte distributed a letter from Harvey Ahitow, General Manager of North Riverside Park Mall in which the Mall was requesting Village approval to submit an application to Cook County to apply for a Class 7C redevelopment incentive. This incentive would help in the expansion of Classic Cinima who plans on adding 4-screens. Projects which qualify for a Class 7C incentive will receive a reduced assessment over a 5-year period once the redevelopment is completed. A reduced assessment level of ten percent (10%) of the fair market value for the first three years, fifteen percent (15%) for the fourth year and twenty percent (20%) for the fifth year if they qualify. The Mall stated that the redevelopment is not viable without the incentive. The committee and board members present had a discussed on this and wanted to know what impact this would have on the Village’s property tax income. The committee did realize there would be an increase in amusement tax and places for eating tax collected and the theater would be applying for a liquor license which would help offset the incentive. The Administrator said he will contact Cook County to try and get an idea on what affect the incentive will have on our property tax collected, he will also see how much the Mall pays the Village on their tax bill. The committee agreed the expansion would be good for the Village but at what cost. Trustee Sarro motioned and Trustee Flores seconded to approve the North Riverside Park Mall’s request to file for a Class 7C status with Cook County pending the determanition if it’s in the best interest of the Village. Motion passed with all committee members voting yes, the other trustees present also agreed.

There being no further business the meeting was adjured 6:40 p.m.

Trustee Mengoni moved and Trustee Bianco seconded Authorizing the Retention of Edelson PC as Special Legal in Connection with Litigation Related to the Opioid Crisis. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Trustee Mengoni also stated that the Budget Hearing scheduled for May 30th and 31st and rescheduling for July 5th and 9th at 6:00pm.

Trustee Sarro- (Public Buildings, Grounds, lights, Transportation, Plan Commission)-No report

Mayoral Report- No report


• Block party request from the 9000 block of 22nd Place on June 21st.

• Request from the 2543 3rd Avenue for partial alley blockage for a graduation party on June 16th.

• Thank you letter from the Riverside Brookfield High School PTO thanking the Village for the donation of water bottles for their Day of Service.

Trustee Bianco moved and Trustee Mengoni seconded the block party request from the 9000 block of 22nd Place. Motion carried unanimously.

Trustee Mengoni moved and Trustee Bianco seconded the request from the 2543 3rd for a graduation party and partial alley blockage. Motion carried unanimously.

Approval Of Bills:

Trustee Mengoni moved, seconded by Trustee Flores to approve the list of bills submitted for this meeting totaling $89,057.73 and to have them paid out of proper funds when such funds become available. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Ordinances And Resolutions:

Trustee Mongoni moved and Trustee Bianco seconded Authorizing the Retention of Edelson PC as Special Legal Counsel in Connection with Litigation Related to the Opioid Crisis (18-R-02) and to waive the reading. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Unfnished Business- None

New Business-None


Barbara Wilson asked about the recent closing of several businesses in town and Mayor Hermanek replied we are doing our best to fill the vacant stores.

Closed Session:

Trustee Mengoni moved and Trustee Bianco seconded to go into Closed Executive Session at this time for the purpose of discussing probable or imminent litigation involving the Village of North Riverside pursuant to Section 2(c) (11) of the Open Meetings Act. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Open Session Resumed:

Open session resumed 7:58 pm.


Trustee Czajka moved and Trustee Demopoulos seconded for adjournment of this meeting at 8:00 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
