Village of Schiller Park President and Board of Trustees met April 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
I.Call To Order:
President Nick Caiafa called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
II.Pledge Of Allegiance
III.Roll Call:
Upon a call of the roll by the Village Clerk, the following Elected Officials were:
Present: President Nick Caiafa, Trustees: Moses Diaz, Russ Klug, Joan
Golembiewski, Tom Deegan, Robert Lima, Catherine Gorzynski, and Village Clerk Rosa Jos
Absent: None
President Caiafa declared a quorum present.
Also present: Joe Montana, Corporate Counsel, Brad Townsend, Village Manager, Brian Bursiek, Chief Peter Chiodo, Chief Tom Fragakis, John Komorowski, John Bealer, Mario Jos, Jim Goumas, and Antonio Duran.
IV. Swearing In/Presentation:
V. Approval Of Minutes:
1. Trustee Diaz moved, seconded by Trustee Golembiewski that the Minutes of the Special Board Meeting of March 26th, 2018 be approved.
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
2. Trustee Deegan moved, seconded by Trustee Klug that the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 5th, 2018 be approved.
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
VI. Public Member Wishing To Be Heard:
VII. Consent Agenda For Consideration And Action:
The President and the Board of Trustees unanimously consented to take a single Roll Call Vote on several items grouped together for voting purposes under the designation "Omnibus Vote". Village Clerk Jos read aloud the items on the Consent Agenda. Trustee Lima moved, seconded by Trustee Gorzynski to approve the items on the Consent Agenda, as read.
1. Community Development Department Report Omnibus Vote
2. Public Works Department Report Omnibus Vote
3. Fire Department Report Omnibus Vote
4. Groot Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Omnibus Vote
5. ISO Rating of the Fire Department Report Omnibus Vote
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
VIII. Discussion And Action Items:
1. Brad Townsend, Village Manager spoke about a few items from his report:
Legislation on Small Cell Wireless Facilities, Legislation on State Administrative Fees, Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund, and gave an update on O'Hare International Airport.
2. Mario Jos gave a brief update on the Public Works Department.
3. Pete Chiodo gave an update on the Fire Department.
4. Brian Bursiek gave an update on IDOT in regards to the additional curb work on Irving Park Road.
5. John Bealer gave an update on the Village Hall roof getting its final repairs soon.
6. Intern, Antonio Duran gave a quick report to the Village Board about his current projects and the Illinois Association of Municipal Managers and Assistants Conference.
7. Trustee Klug thanked the Historical Society for their wonderful Tea Party event.
He also said that the Airport noise complaints are down, and urged residents to call if they have noise complaints.
8. Trustee Golembiewski gave an update on charges from the bills list that were questioned by Board Members at the last Board Meeting, it was determined that those expenses were not clearly labeled.
9. Trustee Lima gave an update on the MCD Meeting that the Village Board attended. He shared his concerns about the high cost of MCD.
10. Mayor Caiafa also reported his concerns about the rising cost of MCD. He is trying to figure out how to reduce cost that is now close to $1,000,000 (one million).
Trustee Golembiewski reported that she requested information from the Executive Director of MCD on the matter, and that the Board is trying to undo what was done by the people who came before us.
Trustee Diaz stated that previously, the decision to form the MCD was made with the information presented by the consultant. The Board continues to discuss how to best deal with the high cost of MCD and how to work towards making this matter work best for our Village.
11. Mayor Caiafa mentioned that we had illegal gaming machines at one of our businesses in town. They were given citations, and they are now gone.
IX. Committee Reports For Consideration And Action:
A. Public Works (Streets, Water, Storm Water, Engineering, Fleet/Building Maintenance Chr. Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski
1. An Ordinance of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois Authorizing a Handicapped Reserved Parking Space at 9641 River Street.
Trustee Diaz moved, seconded by Trustee Gorzynski to adopt Ordinance No. 18-4055 being "An Ordinance of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois Authorizing a Handicapped Reserved Parking Space at 9641 River Street."
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
2. A Resolution of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois, to withdraw from the West Central Municipal Conference parkway tree replacement program.
Trustee Diaz moved, seconded by Trustee Golembiewski to adopt Resolution No. 05-18 being "A Resolution of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois to withdraw from the West Central Municipal Conference parkway tree replacement program."
The Mayor gave a more in-depth explanation on this matter.
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
3. Motion to approve an agreement with Hancock Engineering Company to provide design and construction engineering services on the 2018 Street Improvement Program.
Trustee Diaz moved, seconded by Trustee Deegan to approve an agreement with Hancock Engineering Company to provide design and construction engineering services on the 2018 Street Improvement Program.
Trustee Golembiewski asked Hancock Engineering for Clarification on this matter.
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
4. Motion to approve an agreement with Hancock Engineering Company to provide design and construction engineering services on the 2018 Water Main Improvement Program.
Trustee Diaz moved, seconded by Trustee Klug to approve an agreement with Hancock Engineering Company to provide design and construction engineering services on the 2018 Water Main Improvement Program.
Trustee Lima let everyone know that there will be more infrastructure projects in the future because the Mayor and the Board have prioritized infrastructure improvements in conjunction with water, sewer, and streets.
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
B. Recreation (Parks, Special Events, Senior Services, Library Chr. Klug, Lima, Golembiewski
1.Motion to approve the ordering of the following equipment to be delivered in May, 2018. Pending the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget Approval.
John Deere Gator (HPX615E) $13,164.18 Deere & Company (AHW LLC)
Wesco Utility 14' Trailer $2,414.00 Rondo Enterprises Inc.
Walk-Behind Mower $3,436.99 Russo Power Equipment.
There was a change in the motion, the Walk-Behind Mower's cost is $3,135.00 instead of $3,436.99.
Trustee Klug moved, seconded by Trustee Golembiewski to approve the ordering of equipment to be delivered in May, 2018. Pending the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget Approval.
John Deere Gator (HPX615E) $13,164.18 Deere & Company (AHW LLC)
Wesco Utility 14' Trailer $2,414.00 Rondo Enterprises Inc.
Walk-Behind Mower $3,135.00 Russo Power Equipment.
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
C. Community Development (Planning, Zoning, Health, Building, Environment, and Transportation Chr. Golembiewski, Gorzynski, Lima
1. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 155 of Title XV of the New Millennium Code of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois With Regard to Various Text Amendments to the Zoning Code Concerning Precious Metal Dealers, Research and Development Activities, Outdoor Patio Seating and Motor Vehicle Repair Uses (ZPA 18-T-01).
Trustee Golembiewski moved, seconded by Trustee Diaz to adopt Ordinance No. 18-4056 being "An Ordinance Amending Chapter 155 of Title XV of the New Millennium Code of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois With Regard to Various Text Amendments to the Zoning Code Concerning Precious Metal Dealers, Research and Development Activities, Outdoor Patio Seating and Motor Vehicle Repair Uses (ZPA 18-T-01)."
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
2. An Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use for a Motor Vehicle Repair Use Within the l-1 Industrial District Of The Village Of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois (ZPA 18-C-02: 9229 Ivanhoe Street).
Trustee Golembiewski moved, seconded by Trustee Lima to adopt Ordinance No. 18-4057 being "An Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use for a Motor Vehicle Repair Use Within the I-1 Industrial District Of The Village Of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois (ZPA 18-C-02: 9229 Ivanhoe Street)."
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
D. Public Safety (Police, Fire, Emergency Management, 911, and EMS) Chr. Deegan, Diaz, Gorzynski
1. Motion to approve an agreement with Safespeed to install and operate an automated traffic law enforcement camera system on Des Plaines River Road at the intersection with Irving Park Road.
Trustee Deegan moved, seconded by Trustee Klug approve an agreement with Safespeed to install and operate an automated traffic law enforcement camera system on Des Plaines River Road at the intersection with Irving Park Road.
The Board had a brief discussion about the agreement with Safespeed.
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
2. An Ordinance of the Village Of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois, Amending Chapter Seventy-Three of Title Seven of the New Millennium Code of the Village of Schiller Park to Prohibit Parking in Fire Lanes.
Trustee Deegan moved, seconded by Trustee Diaz to adopt Ordinance No. 184058 being "An Ordinance of the Village Of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois, Amending Chapter Seventy-Three of Title Seven of the New Millennium Code of the Village of Schiller Park to Prohibit Parking in Fire Lanes."
Trustee Lima initiated a quick discussion about what constitutes a Fire Lane. Trustee Deegan clarified the importance of the Ordinance.
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
3. A Resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Personal Property Confiscated by the Police Department of the Village of Schiller Park.
Trustee Deegan moved, seconded by Trustee Golembiewski to adopt Resolution No. 06-18 being "A Resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Personal Property Confiscated by the Police Department of the Village of Schiller Park."
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried. E.
E. Administration/Finance (Human Resources, Insurance, Bills, Legal) Chr. Lima, Diaz, Deegan
1. Motion to approve the current List of Bills in the amount of $411,398.28, including non-recurring payments to the following vendors:
a. AHW LLC Elburn - Snow Blower & Cab for Tractor
b. Nutoys Leisure Products
Trustee Lima moved, seconded by Trustee Diaz to approve the current List of Bills in the amount of $411,398.28.
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
2. A Resolution Approving a Corporate Authorization Resolution and Commercial Signature Card by and Between Huntington National Bank and the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois.
Trustee Lima moved, seconded by Trustee Golembiewski to adopt Resolution No. 07-18 being "A Resolution Approving a Corporate Authorization Resolution and Commercial Signature Card by and Between Huntington National Bank and the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois."
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
3. An Ordinance of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois Adopting the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019.
Trustee Lima moved, seconded by Trustee Klug to adopt Ordinance No. 184059 being “An Ordinance of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois Adopting the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019."
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye: Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
F. License (Business, Liquor, Ordinances, Utilities, and General Permits) Chr. Gorzynski, Klug, Deegan
1. Trustee Gorzynski reported that KD Market celebrated their 20th Anniversary in Schiller Park. We also had a new business in town open recently named The Landing Station. The License Committee will be meeting in regards to Liquor Code Regulations, Application Updates, and permit regulations as they pertain to video gaming licenses.
2. Trustee Gorzynski moved, seconded by Trustee Golembiewski to allow Misericordia Heart of Mercy to hold their Candy Days fund-raiser on Friday April 27, 2018 and Saturday April 28, 2018.
Board Members unanimously approved by a voice vote.
President Caiafa declared the motion carried.
X. Report Of The Mayor For Consideration And Action: A. Proclamations:
B. Appointments:
C. Other Matters:
XI. Other Business: None
XII. Executive Session:
There was no Executive Session.
XIII. Adjournment:
With no further business to conduct, it was moved by Trustee Gorzynski, seconded by Trustee Lima that the Regular Board Meeting be adjourned.
Upon roll call the following voted:
Aye Trustees: Diaz, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima and Gorzynski
Absent: None
Nay: None
President Caiafa declared the motion carried and this Regular Board Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.