
West Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of North Riverside Board of Trustees met March 19.

Webp meeting 10

Village of North Riverside Board of Trustees met March 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Mayor Hermanek called the meeting to order with a Pledge of Allegiance and a Roll Call. In attendance were Trustee Bianco, Trustee Czajka, Trustee Demopoulos, Trustee Flores, Trustee Mengoni and Trustee Sarro.

Others in attendance were Administrator Belmonte, Finance Director Scarpiniti, Attorney Hayes, Police Chief Garcia, Bryant Rouleau from Recreation, Public Works Director Kutt and Fire Chief Gaertner.

Approval Of Agenda:

Trustee Bianco moved seconded by Trustee Mengoni to approve the agenda for this meeting as presented. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Bids- None

Cash Receipt Report:

Trustee Mengoni moved and Trustee Bianco seconded to accept the Cash Receipt Report as presented for the month of February, 2018 in the amount of $1,923,178.72. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Approval Of Minutes:

Trustee Czajka moved, seconded by Trustee Demopoulos to approve the March 5, 2018 Village Board Meeting Minutes as presented. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Report Of Trustees:

Trustee Bianco- ( Water, Sewers, Drainage & Zoning)

Trustee Bianco submitted the Brookfield North Riverside Water Commission Meeting Minutes from the February 14, 2018 meeting to Clerk Ranieri.

Trustee Czajka- (Judiciary, Ordinances, Recreation)

Trustee Czajka mentioned that the Recreation Department’s Annual Bunny Bingo has only two tickets left for that event.

Trustee Demopoulos( Streets, Alleys, Sidewalks & Garbage)- No report

Trustee Flores- ( Police, Fire & License)- No report

Trustee Mengoni- ( Finance Health & Appropriations)

Trustee Mengoni read the following minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting held on March 12, 2018:

Item #1: Review of Amusement Tax Amendment Ordinance: Director Scarpiniti informed the committee that this proposed amendment to the Village code expands the definition of “amusement” and is consistent with the State’s Amusement Ride and Attraction Safety Act. The Director explained this amendment would broaden the type of amusement uses subject to the Village’s amusement tax to include but not be limited to rides, inflatable attractions, video game arcades and rock climbing walls. The rate of the tax would remain 5% of gross ticket sales or admission fees. The Village would immediately notify any existing businesses affected by the new definition and begin collecting the tax effective May 1st. Trustee Sarro motioned and Trustee Flores seconded to pass the proposed amendments to Section 3.20 entitled “Amusement Tax”. Motion passed with a 3 – 0 vote from the committee. Trustee Mengoni polled the others in attendance and all agreed. At this time, I would like to make the following motion:

Trustee Mengoni moved and Trustee Bianco seconded to amend section 3.20 of the Village’s Municipal Code entitled Amusement Tax and to have the Village Attorney prepare the proper ordinance for passage. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Item #2: Discussion on E-Mail Storage Server: Brad Gordon of Techno Consulting, the Village’s contracted IT company, explained why he would like to convert storage of the Village’s emails system from an on-site system to a cloud based solution. The Village’s current email server is approximately 8 years old and is extremely unstable. Moving to a cloud based solution provides the Village with enhanced efficiencies through larger storage capacity, off-site storage security, automatic software updates, elimination of costly hardware replacements and less IT hours spent on maintenance and troubleshooting system errors. The anticipated cost for a cloud based email storage solution is $12,538. Director Scarpiniti informed the committee that sufficient funds were budgeted this fiscal year to cover this purchase. All those present agreed moving the Village’s email storage to a cloud based service was beneficial.

Mr. Gordon also proposed the Village purchase an unbudgeted E-Mail Archive System at the cost of $13,000. This system would not be cloud based, but rather an in-house solution that would allow for proper record retention of electronic emails and monitoring. The software being considered is designed for the explicit purpose of minimizing the manpower required to comply with Freedom of Information Act requests and specializes in e-mail collection, indexing and complex searches. The cost of the software is approximately $13,000 with a nominal recurring maintenance cost each year. The Committee inquired how funds would be directed for the payment of this item since it was not originally budgeted. Director Scarpiniti responded that the Village’s current General Fund appropriations could cover the purchase through line-item transfers and no additional appropriations were necessary. Trustee Sarro motioned and Trustee Flores seconded the purchase of the E-Mail Archive System. The motion passed through committee with a 3-0 vote. Trustee Mengoni polled the other trustees and the Mayor and all agreed

Trustee Mengoni moved and Trustee Sarro seconded to purchase an E-Mail Archive System as recommended by staff at a cost of $13,000 and to have the Finance Director prepare the budget transfers required. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores,Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Trustee Mengoni also scheduled a Finance Committee Meeting for April 9th at 6:00 pm to discuss the state of the budget.

Trustee Sarro- (Public Buildings, Grounds, lights, Transportation, Plan Commission)-No report

Mayoral Report- No report


The Chicago International Christian Church requested permission to solicit at the intersections of Cermak and 1st Avenue on April 14th and April 23rd.

Trustee Demopoulos moved and Trustee Bianco seconded to approve the request from the Chicago International Christian Church. Motion carried unanimously.

Approval Of Bills:

Trustee Mengoni moved, seconded by Trustee Flores to approve the list of bills submitted for this meeting totaling $589.201.02 and to have them paid out of proper funds when such funds become available. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Ordinances And Resolutions:

Trustee Mengoni moved and Trustee Bianco seconded to approve an Ordinance Amending Section 3.20 of the North Riverside Municipal Code Entitled Amusement Tax (18-O-02) and to waive the reading. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Trustee Czajka moved and Trustee Demopoulos seconded to Approve an Ordinance Adopting the Updated Employee Manual for the Village of North Riverside (18-O-03) and to waive the reading. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores,Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Unfnished Business:

Trustee Bianco reminded residents of the Scouts Pack 120 Pancake Breakfast at Mater Christi Church on Palm Sunday as well as the Police Benevolent Easter Egg Hunt on March 31st.

New Business-None


• A resident expressed her concerns about Tony’s Finer Foods leaving North Riverside and Mayor Hermanek explained the situation.

• Barbara Wilson thanked the departments.

• A resident expressed her concerns about the amount of gambling establishments in North Riverside and Mayor Hermanek addressed them and stated that he would rather not see a vacant building in town.


Trustee Mengoni moved and Trustee Demopoulos seconded for adjournment of this meeting at 7:20 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
