City of Northlake Youth Commission met Jan. 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
Sheila Morgan, Sharon Budzon, John Morgan, Veronica Budzon
Rebecca Morgan, Richard Martinez
Francine Patti, Trisha Patti
MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 27, 2017 MEETING: The minutes of the, December 27, 2017 meeting were read. A motion was made by John to accept the minutes. Veronica seconded the motion. All were in favor.
1. KIDS' BINGO 1/10/18-A total of only 29 people attended. What we lacked in numbers we made up for in fun. Our young group of kids began to lose interest in the games with shapes that took longer to attain. John suggested that we switch back to simple BINGOs that were attained more quickly. Almost all of the prizes were given out.
2. KIDS' VALENTINE'S DAY CRAFT NIGHT - Sharon booked the Sandy Vasquez Center for Thursday, 2/8/18.
(Wednesday was already booked.) for this event. Veronica is looking for crafts and prizes for Valentine's Day, Easter and possibly a Mothers' Day craft to give out to each child at the April BINGO event.
1. MARCH ACTIVITY - The Easter “Eggs"travaganza will take place on March 28, 2018 from 11am - 12:30pm. That will take care of March, but we will need an activity for April.
2. APRIL ACTIVITY - We will run another KID'S BINGO in April on 4/11/18. We will move our meeting to 5:30pm and run BINGO from 6 8pm or until the prizes run out.
3. CALENDAR PLANNING - This has been tabled until next month.
There was no other business discussed. Veronica moved for adjournment, seconded by Sharon. All were in favor. Youth Commission Chairperson, Sheila Morgan, adjourned the meeting at 5:45pm.
NEXT MEETING: February 14, 2018 at 6:30pm