
West Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Western Springs President and Board of Trustees met January 8.

Webp meeting372

Village of Western Springs President and Board of Trustees met January 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Board Members Present

Berry Allen

Sheila Hansen

Heidi Rudolph

William Siffermann

Edward Tymick

James Tyrre

Others Present

Ingrid Velkme, Village Manager

Grace Turi, Director of Finance

Matthew Supert, Director Mun Svcs.

Tracy Alden, Director of Recreation

Patrick Kenny, Dep. Manager &

Director of Fire & EMS

Brian Budds, Director of Law

Enforcement Services

Martin Scott, Director of CD

Jeff Ziegler, Village Engineer

Michael Jurusik, Village Attorney

Call To Order:

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Pledge Of Allegiance:

President Gallagher led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:

As noted above.

Electronic attendance at meeting: None.

Reading Of Agenda - Additions - Deletions

There were no changes.

Citizen Comments:

Village resident Mary Ann Quinlan addressed the Board and requested the Board reverse the decision made by the Board last year to opt out of the Cook County minimum wage and earned sick leave ordinance. Ms. Quinlan was pleased to learn the Board is reconsidering their decision and discussing this matter. Ms. Quinlan asked the Board to opt in.

LaGrange resident Richard Mann told the Board he really appreciates the advice he receives when he shops at Village True Value Hardware. Mr. Mann expressed concern about the lack of parking in the area caused by the train platform construction which he felt might contribute to reduced traffic in the store. Mr. Mami encouraged the Board to look at other parking ideas to alleviate congestion in that area.

Brookfield resident Mitzi Norton expressed her support for the workers' rights ordinance and said she is happy this matter is back to the table in Western Springs.

Consideration Of Agenda Items During The Workshop Portion Of The Combined Meeting:

L) Public Works And Water - Trustee Allen

A) Kudos to the Public Works Department

Trustee Allen reported that over the last few years the Village Board had spent a lot of time on infrastmcture: the roads, the deep wells, the shallow well, a potential new well, the water treatment plant, water distribution, storm water, water rates, water tanks, sewer televising, and sidewalks as well as the long range plans on how to address those items. However, it is very also important to recognize that this infrastructure would not function properly without the people to support and maintain it. Beginning in 2018, Chicago ushered in the coldest temperature in nearly 50 years. Temperatures remained below 20 degrees for 12 consecutive days tying the record first set in 1895. On Tuesday, January 2, 2018, the wind chill advisory was minus 25 - 35 degrees below zero. According to the National Weather Service, frost bite could occur in as little as 10 minutes of skin exposure. By Wednesday, January 3, 2018, the severe weather had begun to adversely impact Village infrastructure causing s significant water main breaks throughout the Village. Fixing water main breaks is difficult and uncomfortable in normal winter weather conditions but in sub-zero weather such as the Village experienced last week, and with water levels falling in our water towers, it was critical, demanding literally around the clock work for several days. Trustee Allen commended Director Supert and all of his staff for their excellent work during this very difficult time.

B) 2018 Sewer Televising Contract Renewal

C) 2018 Sidewalk Shaving Contract Renewal

D) 2018 Sidewalk Replacement Contract Renewal

Trustee Allen reported on items B, C and D which are three routine contract renewals which are budgeted for 2018. All three renewals are with vendors we have worked with before and have had favorable experiences. The vendors honored their contract prices from previous years. The committee recommended approval of the 2018 Sewer Televising Contract in the amount of $90,000. The 2018 project will include televising of combined sewer in Old Town South and Fairview Estates as well as separated sewer in Springdale.

The second contract up for renewal is with Safe Step for sidewalk shaving at 2017 unit prices. This program helps to remove trip hazards from public sidewalk without removing and replacing entire concrete squares. The program budget is $50,000 for 2018. The committee recommended approval of this contract renewal.

The third contract renewal the committee recommended is with Schroeder & Schroeder Inc. for sidewalk replacement for the 2018 program which is budgeted at $50,000. The Village will replace sidewalk squares with a trip hazard of l !/l? or more. Residents can request replacement of other sidewalks with a 60/40 payment split, with residents paying 60% of the Village's contractor's price, subject to budget availability. The focus for 2018 work will be Ridge Acres and the Field Park areas.

All three contract renewals will be added to the January 22, 2018 omnibus vote list.

E) Capital Projects Summary Report

Trustee Allen reported on the two carryover projects from 2017, the Ridgewood Oaks Basin and Rose and Garden water main replacement. A third resident meeting on the Rose and Garden project is scheduled on January 25, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. Residents are working with Unique Plumbing to determine whether they wish to complete upgrades to their interior plumbing and whether that would lower the cost of the overall project for the connection out to the street.

The 2018 Roadway program budget is $1.6 million and will likely include the construction of areas of Johnson Avenue, between 45'h Street and 47fh Street, as well as Lawn Avenue from 47'h Street to Burlington Avenue.

2) Properties And Recreation - Trustee Hansen

A) 20l8TreeTrimmingContractRenewal

Trustee Hansen reported on a proposed contract renewal with Winkler's Tree Service for 2018 at 2016 prices. Winkler was the low bidder when the project was bid in 2016. Staff is pleased with Winkler's work and the committee recommended renewal of this contract.

B) 2018 Janitorial Services Contract Renewal

Trustee Hansen said staff is pleased with the work of Uni-Max Management Corporation which provides janitorial services at Village Hall, Fire Station #1 and 2, the Train Depot and RO Water Treatment Plant. The committee recommended contract renewal for 2018 at 2017 prices.

Items A & B will be on the January 22, 2018 omnibus vote list.

C) Downtown Parking Study

Director Scott reported that the Board received a draft report which outlines the findings of the consultants and Schwarz Transportation Group. The report provides existing conditions as well as recommendations regarding downtown parking. An open house for the public and WSBA members to gather their feedback on the recommendations will be scheduled in the near future. Ultimately, this information and the final recommendations will come before the Board for approval.

3) General Government - Trustee Tymick

A) Resolution Authorizing and Approving An Updated Harassment Policy (Including Sexual Harassment) To Conform To Illinois Public Act 100-0554

Trustee Tymick asked the Board for approval this evening, during the special meeting portion of the combined meeting, of a resolution which updates Village harassment policy to comply with the language of Illinois Public Act 100-0554. There is a deadline of January 16, 2018 to be in line with State requirement.

B) Executive Health Program Agreement

Trustee Tymick reported that the General Government Committee reviewed the terms of a one year agreement with Amita Health for occupational health services. The committee recommended Board approval of the contract. A resolution and agreement will be provided to the Board in the January 22, 2018 agenda packet for review and consideration of approval. The item will be on the omnibus vote list scheduled on January 22, 2018.

C) Discussion on Placing an Advisory Referendum Regarding Cook County Minimum Wage and Sick Leave Act on the November 6, 2018 General Election Ballot

Trustee Tymick invited Board discussion regarding the concept of having an advisory referenda added to the November 2018 ballot to solicit feedback from the residents in terms of what the Board should do, regarding the original action in May 2017, of opting out of Cook County ordinances on minimum wage and sick leave. Trustee Tymick reviewed the current situation and stated that when the Board did opt out, that was done for several reasons. The primary reason was that we were just on the heels of an election and we had a new president as well as three new members joining the Village Board. The Board felt this was significant of an issue that the full new Board should have the opportunity to be in place, review this matter and make a decision on how the Village should act. The Board also had hoped that there would be some action at the State level. Unfortunately, as Ms. Quinlan mentioned, the legislature did put a bill in front of the Governor and he did choose to veto the bill regarding minimum wage. Nothing has been done in terms of sick leave. There is no action at the State level. The Board did give itself a requirement to revisit this matter at year's end. The reason a referendum is being considered is that we have more information to provide to the residents now and some things have changed since the Board first looked at this matter. The Board now has the Cook County ordinances which include detailed information. When the referenda question was on the ballot in 2014 and 2016, it was more of a theoretical question, in other words, should the State do this and specifics about what the numbers were, whether it should be State-wide or at a Cook County level, were not included.

Also, in the meantime approximately % or more of the municipalities in the County have opted out. Most of those communities do not have the obligation of revisiting this issue. The General Governrnent Committee felt that given all that had occurred since the 2014 and 2016 State and Cook County referenda questions, it might be worthwhile to solicit feedback from the residents again and make sure they understand what we would be taking action on, and make sure we make a decision that is in the best interests of the residents. The General Government Committee met just prior to this meeting and Village resident Ms. Quinlan, LaGrange resident Mr. Longino, and WSBA President Mike O'Brien all contributed to the discussion at that meeting.

Extensive Board discussion on this matter followed. Discussion included whether or not the Board should act sooner than November on this issue. President Gallagher said the Board needs to decide whether or not to pursue a referenda question or to make a decision as a Board on this issue. President Gallagher suggested an advisory vote on whether or not to pursue a referenda question. Further discussion followed. The Board gave the General Govermnent Committee direction to continue to discuss this matter and continue information collection on minimum wage and sick leave.

D) Strategic Plan

Trustee Tymick reported on the outcome of the strategic plan sessions conducted in the fall with the Board. The responses have been collated and all the priorities have been made. A preliminary report will be provided to the Board members and Village staff will be scheduling a follow-up meeting for the Board to review the report in the near future.

4) Public Health And Safety - Trustee Siffermann

A) Vehicle Purchase Request and Associated Request for Disposal of Surplus Vehicle

Trustee Siffermann said the Public Health and Safety Committee met on January 4, 2018 and reviewed a request from Law Enforcement Services to purchase two new squad cars at a cost of $56,006 and to declare the existing four year old squad car, with over 63,000 miles, as surplus property. Trustee Siffermann said Deputy Chief Albrecht's memo outlined the request to the committee and was clear and convincing. The cost of the vehicle would not include the cost of the high technology and safety equipment which will be added to the vehicles. The committee recommended Board approval on January 22, 2018. The vehicle purchases were budgeted for 2018.

5) Finance - Trustee Rudolph

No report.

6) Planning And Zoning - Trustee Tyrrell

Foxford Station Update

Trustee Tyrrell reported that the extreme winter weather has stopped construction of Foxford Station temporarily. The foundation and the first floor walls are up at the site. Once the weather improves, construction will continue and a pre-cast deck and the support columns for the second floor will be constructed. Interested parties can access the Foxford project website at www.foxfordstation.com. For other questions, please contact Director Scott.

Other Business

There was none.

Consideration Of And Action On Agenda Items During The Special Meeting Portion Of The Combined Meeting

7) Resolution 18-2417 Authorizing and Approving An Updated

Harassment Policy (Including Sexual Harassment)

To Conform To Illinois Public Act 100-0554


Trustee Tymick moved, seconded by Trustee Hansen, to approve Resolution 18- 2417 Authorizing and Approving An Updated Harassment Policy (Including Sexual Harassment) To Conforrn To Illinois Public Act 100-0554.

The motion passed on a roll call vote. Voting aye: Trustees Hansen, Tymick, Allen, Rudolph, Sifferrnann, and Tyrrell.

Voting nay: None.


9) Village President Gallagher

A) Committee Appointment

President Gallagher announced her intention to appoint John Mikulich to the Recreation Commission for a three year term to expire in January 2021. With no objection from the Board, this appointment was added to the January 22, 2018 omnibus vote list.

B) Public Works Efforts in Severe Weather

President Gallagher thanked the Public Works crew for their outstanding work to keep Village residents safe during the recent cold snap.

10) Village Manager Vet.Kme

Manager Velkme reiterated thanked the Board for their praise of the Public Works Department and staff during the recent cold weather. She also said she planned for a productive New Year.

11) Villageattorneyjurusik

No report.

With no further business to come before the Board, President Gallagher asked for a motion to recess to closed session.

Recess To Closed Session For The Purpose of Discussing the Purchase Or Lease of Real Property For Use By The Village (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5)) And Pending Litigation (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11))


Trustee Hansen moved, seconded by Siffermann, to Recess to Closed Session For The Purpose of Discussing the Purchase Or Lease of Real Property For Use By The Village (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5)) And Pending Litigation (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(l l)).

Voting aye: Trustee Hansen, Tymick, Allen, Rudolph, Siffermann and Tyrrell.

Voting nay: None.

The motion passed on a roll call vote at 8:01 p.m.

Reconvene And Adjourn

The Board reconvened at 9:12 p.m.


Trustee Siffermann moved, second by Tymick, to adjourn at 9:12 p.m. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.
