
West Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

Berwyn City Council met October 10.

Berwyn City Council met October 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

1. The regular meeting of the Berwyn City Council was called to order by Mayor Lovero at 8:00 p.m. Upon the call of the roll, the following responded present: Lennon, Ramirez, Reardon, Fejt, Santoy, Ruiz, Avila and Garcia.

2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence was offered in memory of Rebecca Joy Greening, granddaughter of former Alderman Richard Toman, in memory of Charles “Chuckie” Allison, and for the safety of the men and women protecting us on the streets of Berwyn, those who are in the Armed Forces, as well as all Veterans who have served.

3. The Open Forum portion of the meeting was announced. No one stepped forward to address the Council.

4. The minutes of the regular Berwyn City Council and of the Committee of the Whole meetings held on September 26, 2017 were submitted. Thereafter, Avila made a motion, seconded by Santoy, to approve the minutes as submitted and place same on file for audit. The motion carried by a voice vote.

5. Alderman Avila made a motion, seconded by Santoy, to suspend the rules and bring forward agenda items J-1 and J-2. The motion carried by a voice vote.

6. Item J-1 is a communication from Berwyn Fire Chief Dennis O’Halloran recommending the promotion and swearing in of James Mihalek to the rank of Lieutenant. Thereafter, Avila made the motion to concur, seconded by Santoy. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. Thereafter, Clerk Paul administered the Oath of Office.

7. Item J-2 is a communication by Chief O’Halloran recommending the promotion of Brian Smith to the rank of Engineer. Avila made a motion, seconded by Lennon, to concur and approve the appointment as submitted. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. Clerk Paul administered the Oath of Office.

8. The Mayor recognized attorney James Vasselli who presented information on Item E-1 submitted by Anthony Griffin. Mr. Vasselli offered to answer any questions about the item which contained the ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Terminating the Redevelopment Project Area of the City of Berwyn, Illinois, and Related Matters (“Ogden Avenue TIF”). Thereafter, Lennon made the motion, seconded by Avila, to concur, adopt the ordinance as presented and authorize the corporate authorities to affix their signatures thereto. The motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

9. Alderman Lennon made a motion to amend his communication, seconded by Fejt, submitted on behalf of Berwyn Firefighters Local 506 to request that Windsor Avenue (between Harlem and Maple) be closed on Saturday, October 14, 2017 from 6:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. along with support from the Police, Fire and Public Works departments for the annual Light the Lamp for Burn Camp event. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote. Thereafter, Lennon made the motion to approve the request as amended, seconded by Fejt. The motion carried by a voice vote.

10. Alderman Lennon submitted a communication on behalf of Irving Elementary School requesting permission for the school’s Irving Eagles PTO Fall Fest on Friday, October 27, 2017 from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Thereafter, Lennon made the motion, seconded by Avila, to approve the request. The motion passed on a voice vote.

11. Alderman Lennon submitted a communication on behalf of the Depot District Business owners requesting approval for their Deck the Depot event to be held on Saturday, December 9, 2017 from 4:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. along Windsor Avenue from Oak Park to Home Avenue and Stanley Avenue from Oak Park to Home Avenue. No street closures are requested. Thereafter, Lennon made the motion, seconded by Fejt, to approve the event. The motion passed on a voice vote.

12. Fire Chief Dennis O’Halloran submitted a communication requesting the authorization of medical leave for Firefighter/Paramedic Kevin Conlon. Alderman Fejt made a motion, seconded my Avila, to approve the request and to extend leave up to six months. The motion carried by a voice vote.

13. Fire Chief Dennis O’Halloran submitted a communication on behalf of Berwyn Fire Fighters Local 506 seeking approval for their Pass the Helmet Drive to raise funds for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure organization. Alderman Fejt made a motion, seconded by Avila, to amend the communication changing the date of the event to October 21, 2017 with a rain date of October 28, 2017. The motion to amend passed with a unanimous voice vote. Thereafter, Fejt made a motion, seconded by Avila, to approve the event as amended. The motion carried by a voice vote.

14. City Attorney Anthony Bertuca submitted a communication requesting passage of a resolution entitled: Resolution to Adopt the City of Berwyn’s Emergency Operations Plan. Avila made a motion, seconded by Lennon, to concur, adopt the resolution as submitted and authorize the corporate authorities to affix their signatures thereto. The motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

15. Item J-6 was a deferred communication from the City Council meeting of September 26, 2017. At the request of the Mayor, Reardon made the motion, seconded by Lennon, to defer the item for two weeks. The motion passed on a voice vote.

16. Assistant City Administrator Ruth Volbre submitted a communication recommending the execution of a contract with Centerpoint Energy for the purchase of natural gas at a lock rate of $.03490/therm for 36 months. Ms. Volbre introduced Mr. Vince Agozzino from Navigate Power, LLC who answered questions from the council members. Lennon made a motion, seconded by Reardon, to approve the contract as recommended. The motion passed on a unanimous roll call vote.

17. Public Works Director Robert Schiller submitted a communication informing the council of a Think Green grant in the amount of $2,500 awarded to the City of Berwyn from Waste Management to be used for the purchase of White Oak trees to be planted in the city. Representatives from Waste Management presented the check to Mayor Lovero. Thereafter, Avila made the motion, seconded by Garcia, to accept the communication as informational. The motion passed by voice vote.

18. Public Works Director Robert Schiller submitted a communication with attached resolution entitled: Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code. Avila made a motion, seconded by Ruiz, to concur, adopt the resolution as submitted and authorize the corporate authorities to affix their signatures thereto. The motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

19. The consent agenda, items K-1 through K-8 were submitted:

1. Payroll: 10/4/17 - $1,156,983.05

2. Payables: 10/04/2017 $1,397,488.97

3. Handicap Parking Application #1154, 6441 W. 19th St.: Denial

4. Handicap Parking Application #1161, 1214 Scoville Ave: Denial

5. Handicap Parking Application #1164, 6448 W. 19th St: Denial

6. Handicap Parking Application #1169, 1818 S. Ridgeland: Denial

7. Collection and Licensing Report for August and September 2017

8. Building and Local Improvement Report and Permits issued for the month of September, 2017

Thereafter, Avila made a motion, seconded by Santoy, to concur and approve by omnibus vote designation. The motion carried by a voice vote.

20. There being no further business to come before the Council, Lennon made the motion, seconded by Ruiz, to adjourn at the hour of 8:25 p.m. The motion carried by a voice vote.
