City of Countryside Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals met Sept. 12.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
I. Roll Call Members:
Mr. Richard Fullmer, Jr. (Chairman) Mr. Robert Schwarz
Mrs. Tina Grotzke Mr. Ronald Ward
Mr. Crecencio Gonzalez, IV Mrs. Shauna Urlacher
Mr. Michael Anderson Mr. Steve Kehr
Mr. Marco Gutierrez
A. Roll Call
B. Approval of Minutes: August 01, 2017
II. Chairman’s Comments
III. Action Items
1. Continued CASE#20318_SU: Text Amendment to P.U.D. Ordinance 16-33-O
o To consider amending the site plan for ClockTower Pointe Subdivision to include additional parking.
2. CASE#20408_V: Variance for lot width and lot area at 5328 S. Catherine Avenue
o Consideration to grant a variance to reduce the required lot width from 65 feet to 50 feet and minimum lot area of 7,500 sq. ft. to 6,150 sq.ft. for property at 5328 Catherine Avenue to allow the lot to be subdivided into two separate lots.
3. CASE#20434: Approval of a Preliminary/Final Plat of Subdivision
o Consideration to approve a Preliminary/final plat of subdivision to subdivide the property at 5328 S. Catherine into two separate lots to construct two single family dwelling units.
4. Continued CASE#20231_TA: Text Amendment to Zoning Code
o To consider Bee Keeping as an accessory use in residential and commercial zoned properties.
5. Continued CASE#2017_TA_4: Consideration of Amending Chapter 7: Manufacturing Districts.
o To consider amending section 10-7C-8: entitled Glare. The purpose of the amendment is to add additional regulations for lighting requirements for commercial and industrial zoning districts.
IV. Public Comment
a. 7130 Willow Springs Road- Discuss potential concept plan for 2 townhome building development on a single family zoned lot.
V. Other Business
VI. Adjournment