
West Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Westchester Park District Board of Park Commissioners met June 5.

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Westchester Park District Board of Park Commissioners met June 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order:

President Martin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call:

President Martin, Commissioner Gordon, Commissioner Christopher and Commissioner Busa. Also present: Executive Director; Gary Kasanders and Board Secretary; Lauralee Conway. Commissioner Cavanaugh arrived at 9:10 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

Correspondence to the Board:


Public Comments:


1. Minutes

The Board of Commissioners reviewed the minutes of May 1, 2017 and May 8, 2017.

2. Finance Committee

2.1 Prevailing Wage Act Ordinance #2017-3

Commissioner Busa reviewed the ordinance prevailing wage rates to be paid to laborers, mechanics and other workers performing construction of public works for the Westchester Park District.

2.2 Health insurance - Mr. Kasanders and Mr. Brink

Gary Kasanders and Dave Brink reported the health insurance renewal plan year 7/1/2017-6/30/2018. Mr. Kasanders and Mr. Brink researched the market to obtain truly underwritten rate quotes and not estimates. The research required employees to complete a lengthy application, but provided the most accurate quotes from carriers other than Blue Cross Blue Shield. United Healthcare will provide similar coverage to the employees and their dependents at a rate that is 27.56% lower than the current rates with Blue Cross Blue Shield. Blue Cross Blue Shield returned with an overal 1.18% decrease. Utilizing the following defined contribution schedule would result in the single employee HMO being fully Covered by the District, with all other classes and types requiring contributions from the employee:

•Employee only - S500 per month

•Emp + Spouse - S1,000 per month

•Emp + Child(ren) - $825 per month (premiums are lower than Emp + Spouse)

•Family - S1400 per month

By switching to United Healthcare and using the above defined contribution amounts, the District would save over $47,000 in the upcoming plan year, nearly 24% lower than 2016/17. Commissioner Busa reviewed policy 2.2B and discussed the policy change that would need to be done if the Commissioners agreed to the United Healthcare option presented. The Commissioners agreed and approved for Mr. Kasanders to move forward with the presented United Healthcare plan for 2017/18. The full-time policy manual appendix B will reflect the changes along with the employee manual. The health insurance will be on the agenda for approval at the June 12, 2017 Board meeting.

2.3 Budget - Commissioner Busa and Mr. Brink

Commissioner Busa and Mr. Brink reviewed the Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget with the Commissioners. Proposed FY18 revenues and expenses were discussed.

The Commissioners discussed the cost of having the policy manual professionally updated and available electronically was discussed. The Commissioners reviewed and discussed revenue and expense estimated budget line items. Software research for the Park District was discussed and the importance of running concurrently with the current software.

2-4 2017-2013 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance

Commissioner Busa discussed the 2017-2018 budget and appropriation ordinance with the Commissioners. The Appropriation Ordinance will be on the June 12, 2017 agenda for approval.

2.5 Bond issue

Commissioner Busa discussed the difference of a $2,450,000 and $1,250,000 bond issue. The $1,250,000 bond issue would not allow the Park District to complete all the capital projects on the current list of items to be completed. Certain capital projects would be pushed off from year to year due to the debt service paymentschedule. The Commissioners reviewed the current Series 2009 and the 2013B combined debt service payment schedule. The Commissioners also discussed the options of referendum.

3. Building and Grounds Committee - Commissioner Gordon

Staff Reports - Commissioner Gordon reviewed Jim Burg's staff report with the Commissioners and reported Tuesday, May 30th was Tommy's last day in the maintenance department and he is currently working in the office. There will be a posting for a full-time maintenance position. Mr. Kasanders updated the Commissioners and discussed the contract deadline dates and the status of the cell tower. Commissioner Christopher asked what the expense portion of the concession revenue of $3,316.25 was, Mr. Kasanders will research the expense number and report back to the Board at the next meeting.

Special Events information - Pool Opening weekend was June 3rd lce Cream Social, Raft Nights, Pirate Night, Father's Day at the pool has all been scheduled.

4th of July - Free pool admission for resident's.

4. Recreation Committee - Commissioner Cavanaugh

Staff Reports - The Mayfair classes are filling up with no cancellations to date.

Ms. Robinette has been busy hiring seasonal staff and with the opening of the pool.

New lodeas for Summer programs were discussed.

5. Marketing Committee

The Banquet Report was presented to the Commissioners

6. Policy Committee - Commissioner Martin

President Martin updated the Commissioners on the recent pool incident and discussed updating the policy regarding the incident. Commissioner Christopher expressed his concern on how the incident on June 4, 2017 was communicated to him. Commissioner Christopher discussed the importance of training the staff on how to respond to similar situations moving forward.

7. Director's Report - Mr. Kasanders

Referendum Consultants - Mr. Kasanders reviewed a list of referendum consultants with the Commissioners.

Legislative Update - Mr. Kasanders reported the Senate passed a two-year, statewide property tax freeze for all taxing districts except the City of Chicago. The House did not take action on the Senate's property tax freeze proposals before adjourning. SB 81 wage increase of $15 per hour minimum wage proposal passed both the House and Senate. Although SB 81 has passed both chambers, the Governor is expected to veto the legislation.

8. President's Report


9. Old Business

AYSO letter of request-The Commissioners agreed to renew a 10 year AYSO lease for $1,500 per year.

St. Joseph Property - The Commissioners tabled the St. Joseph Property until the next meeting.

10. New Business

Meeting with President Gattuso and other Village events - Commissioner Cavanaugh discussed allowing certain community groups to use a room at Mayfair for meetings as needed at no charge. Commissioner Busa referred back to the policy and spoke of other community groups who use the rooms and currently pay rental fees. Commissioner Cavanaugh will compile a list of the groups who would be interested in using a meeting room at Mayfair and report back to the Commissioners.

New events and ideas for sharing resources - Commissioner Cavanaugh discussed building a community fitness program plan for the residents.

President Martin reported President Gattusa would like a few Village Board members and Park District members schedule a meeting to discuss community ideas and events.

11. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the Committee Meeting at 10:26 p.m.

Motion by: Christopher

Seconded by: Cavanaugh

Roll Call Vote: Martin, Gordon, Cawanaugh, Christopher, Busa

Motion carried.
