Village of Franklin Park Fire and Police Commission met June 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
Call to Order: The meeting for the Police & Fire Commission was called to order by Commissioner Maritza Souchet at 6:00 pm.
Roll Commissioner Call/Quorum: Gil Hagerstrom Present: Commissioner and Secretary l:llf.aritza Margarita Souchet, Whaley. Absent is Commissioner Irene Herrera. Also present: Director Mike Witz, Fire Chief Bill Brehm, Deputy Chief Phil Ruch, Trustee Bill Ruhl, Trustee Jim Caporusso and 2 other guests.
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the April 3, 20 17 meeting minutes was made by Commissioner Souchet and seconded by Commissioner Hagerstrom with all in favor.
Fire Chief Brehm: We currently have 2 firefighters out. The promotional list needs to be finalízed in the next few weeks.
Director Witz: 3 candidates started the academy. \Ã/'e need to get orals on the next 10 police applicants"
Unfinished Business: None
New Business: Commission Payroll for 2016-2017 and a motion to approve payroll was made by Commission Souchet and seconded by Commissioner Hagerstrom. Trustee Ruhl reminded everyone that May is Blue Ribbon (Police) Month
Public Comments: None
Adjournment: seconded by Commissioner Motion to adjourn Hagerstrom by Commissioner at 6:05 pm with Souchet all in and favor.