City of Countryside Plan Commission/Zoning Board Appeals will meet May 23.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
I. Roll Call Members:
Mr. Richard Fullmer, Jr. (Chairman)
Mr. Robert Schwarz
Ms. Tina Grotzke
Mr. Ronald Ward
Mr. Crecencio Gonzalez, IV
Mr. Bryon Bednar
Mr. Michael Anderson
Mr. Steve Kehr
Mr. Marco Gutierrez
A. Roll Call
B. Approval of Minutes:
II. Chairman’s Comments
III. Action Items
Case#20136_V- To consider a variance from the Zoning Code Section 10-5A-5: Yard Areas (A) Front Yard Setback. The applicant is requesting to construct a new single family home with a 30 foot front yard setback instead of the average of the setbacks of the two buildings on each side of the subject property.
IV. Public Comment
V. Other Business
VI. Adjournment