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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Broadview Library Board considers proposed anti-bullying policy

Meeting 09

At a recent meeting, the Broadview Public Library District Board of Trustees considered approving a new anti-bullying policy.

Broadview Public Library is a library district with an elected board. A district library is a corporate authority with some of the same authorities as a village, park and school district. The board consists of seven unpaid members elected to six-year terms.

Below is the agenda for this meeting, as provided by the board.

Library Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda Thursday, August 25, 2016 – 7:00 pm

1. Call to Order/Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Moment Of Silence

4. Approval of Agenda

5. Community Events and Announcements

Any person from the public, Board of Trustees or Executive Director can bring forth information regarding events or announcement occurring in our community.

6. Public Comment

A person addressing the board shall be allotted three minutes to present their comments. All members of the public addressing the board shall, at all times, maintain proper decorum in accordance with the provisions of these procedures. All public comments shall be addressed to the board as a whole and no comments shall be addressed to individual members of the board, library staff or other members of the public*. Persons of the public shall speak only on the agenda item(s) that has been announced.*2 Persons of the public shall speak only once per agenda item.*3

7. Approval of Minutes

a. Regular Board Meeting – Thursday, July 28, 2016 at 7:00 pm

8. Officer Reports

a. President

i. Travel Policy Expense Report Out b. Treasurer

i. Presentation of Expenditures:

July 2016 Payroll Expenditures $ 38,144.50 Checks Expenditures $ 26,656.32 $ 64,800.82

9. Committee Reports

a. None

10. Old Business

11. New Business

A. Approval: Property Tax Appeal Board (PTAB) Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins Recommendation

Roll Call Vote: accept the recommendation of our general attorneys, Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, recommendation to discontinue tax appeal. B. Approval: Policies – “Rules of Conduct” and “Anti-Bullying”

Roll Call Vote: implementation of revised “Rules of Conduct” policy and adoption of new “Anti-Bullying” policy. As reviewed and approved by the Management Association.

C. Approval: Travel Reimbursement Resolution

Roll Call Vote: implementation of newly created “Travel Reimbursement Resolution” that addresses new state House Bill 4379 signed into law July 22, 2016 called the “Local Government Travel Expense Control Act” which requires all local public agencies to regulate reimbursements for travel, meals and lodging, sets restrictions on amounts for qualified expenses and states all reimbursements must be documented and open to public review. Resolution will take effect January 1, 2017. D. Approval: Job Descriptions

Roll Call Vote: acceptance of job description changes for Executive Assistant and Customer Service Specialist II as recommended by Executive Director, which has been reviewed by the Management Association. E. Approval: Illinois Public Library Annual Report (IPLAR) Data

Roll Call Vote: Certify and approve IPLAR for FY2015-2016 Due September 1, 2016 Annually BPLD is legally required to compile, preserve and publish public library statistical information in accordance with [15ILCS 320/7(m)] F. Finalize: ILA Conference Registration

Tally: Asking that all trustees contact the Executive Director no later than August 30, 2016 if they plan on attending the 2016 ILA Conference held in Rosemont October 18-20, 2016. Early bird registration ends September 12, 2016 G. Board Trustee Conference Reports: Robert Jones, Judy Hargrett and David Upshaw

Presentation: Trustees who attended the 2016 ALA Conference in Orlando Florida, will give 15 minute presentation on items of interest from attendance at conference

12. Executive Director Report

Dispense of reading of report – Comments or questions by Board Trustees

13. Closed Session:

Motion to adjourn to closed session pursuant to 5ILCS Section 2(c)(1) to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees and 5ILCS Section 2(c)(21) discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes.

A. Personnel

B. Acceptance of July 28th, 2016 Regular Board Meeting Minutes - Closed Session

14. Approval of Items Discussed in Closed Session

15. Adjournment