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At a recent meeting, the Forest Park Public Schools District 91 Board voted to waive field-trip fees for the 2016-17 school year.
Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.
DISTRICT 91 Location: District Office
June 9, 2016
The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Ms. Connor.
Roll Call: Mr. Rosa, Mr. Connor, Ms. Bowker, Ms. Rostello, Mr. Harvey, Ms. Connor Excused: Ms. Ricordati
Motion was made by Mr. Rosa, seconded by Ms. Bowker and carried to enter into closed session at 6:30 p.m. in Compliance with Chap. 102, Par 42, Sec. 2 of the Open Meetings Act to discuss the employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of employees.
On roll cal|-6 ayes
The Board reconvened to open session at 6:50 p.m. and after a short break the regular meeting continued at 7:00 p.m.
President, Ms. Connor led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance, after which the Mission and Vision Statements were read.
Consent Agenda items Following review of Consent agenda items, motion was made by Ms. Rostello and seconded by Ms. Bowker to
approve the minutes of May 12, 2016, regular open meeting, payrolls of June 15 and June 30, 2016, the bills as presented, the destruction of any recorded closed session minutes of November 2014, and the approval of the following personnel items: Elizabeth Marter's resignation effective 8/4/2016, non-renewal of Prescilla Giblin (Padilla) effective 6/1/2016, retirement of Susan Milauskas, Science teacher at FPMS effective on or before 6/15/2016, employment of Jennifer Leonard as FPMS school secretary for FY2017, and employment of up to 12 Summer custodians. The approval of FY2017 compensation for the following employee groups: Speech/Language contract services, Bilingual Speech/Language contract services, and non-certified personnel. The FY2017 employment agreements for the following positions: Rebecca Latham the Public Relations/Communication Manager, Chyla Weaver the Principal at Grant-White School, Jamie Stauder the Principal at Garfield School, Tiffany Brunson the Principal at Field-Stevenson School, Joseph Pisano the Principal at FPMS, Tinisa Huff the Assistant Principal at FPMS, Amanda Walsh the Director of Innovative Learning, Edward Brophy the Assistant Superintendent of Operations.
Payrolls: June 15, Education $463,550.00, Operations & Maintenance $32,859.89, Transportation
$7,002.22 June 30, Education $451,589.34, Operations & Maintenance $36,041.10, Transportation $6,844.22
Bills: Education $816,018.45, Operations & Maintenance $64,611.00, Debt Service $0, Transportation $9,377.33, Municipal Retirement/Social Security $58,166.67, Capital Projects $0, Working Cash $0, Tort $151,345.00, Fire Prevention & Safety $0. On ro|| Cail: Ayes: Mr. Connor, Mr. Rosa, Mr. Harvey, Ms. Bowker, Ms. Rostello, Ms. Connor Nays: None Ëxcused: Ms. Ricordati
Motion carried
BOARD Motion was made by Ms. Bowker, seconded by Ms. Rostello, and carried to approve the closed session minutes of May 12, 2016.
On roll call - 6 ayes
Introductions and Matters of Consideration from the Audience The following were in attendance at tonight's meeting: Rebecca Latham, Jackie Glosniak - Forest Park Review Representative, Julie Hantson, and Amanda Walsh.
Correspondence - None
Items for Discussion -Dr. Cavallo, Superintendent of Schools
PBIS Report Dr. Cavallo introduced Julie Hantson to present the PBIS data for this school year. Her presentation included, PBIS goals for 2015-16 school year, district-wide referral data, individual school referral data, and goals for next school year.
District End of Year Goal Report Dr. Cavallo presented the End of the Year Goal Report to the Board.
items for Discussion - Mr. Brophy, Asst. Superintendent of Operations Status of District Finances - Mr. Brophy's report included an update on the evidence based model for school funding.
FY2016 End of Year Financial Projection Mr. Brophy shared a financial projection that included actual, estimated, and budgeted figures as of June 30, 2016,
Update on 403(b) Plan Audit The audit is still in progress and additional visits are scheduled.
Items for Action - Dr. Cavallo, Superintendent of Schools Motion was made by Mr. Connor, seconded by Mr. Rosa and carried to waive registration fees for grades Kindergarten through 8" for FY2017.
On roll call - 6 ayes
Motion was made by Ms. Bowker, seconded by Ms. Rostello and carried to waive field trip fees for FY2017.
On roll cal|-6 ayes
Motion was made by Mr. Rosa, seconded by Mr. Harvey and carried to waive fees for 5" grade outdoor education program at Covenant Harbor for FY2017.
On rols call - 6 ayes
Items for Action - Mr. Brophy, Asst. Supt. for Operations
Motion was made by Mr. Connor and seconded by Mr. Rosa to adopt the resolution for the Illinois Department of Labor's Prevailing Wages as of June 2016 and for publication in the local newspaper.
On roll cali: Ayes: Mr. Connor, Mr. Rosa, Mr. Harvey, Ms. Bowker, Ms. Rostello, Ms. Connor Nays: None
Excused: Ms. Ricordati
Motion carried
Motion was made by Ms. Rostello and seconded by Mr. Rosa to approve FY2017 rates for medical, dental, vision and life insurance coverages. On roli ca??: Ayes: Mr. Connor, Mr. Rosa, Mr. Harvey, Ms. Bowker, Ms. Rostello, Ms. Connor Nays: None Excused: Ms. Ricordati
Motion carried
Motion was made by Ms. Bowker and seconded by Mr. Rosa to approve the proposal from CDW-Government for Dell Chromebooks and Max Cases for $83,062.50.
On roll call: Ayes: Mr. Connor, Mr. Rosa, Mr. Harvey, Ms. Bowker, Ms. Rostello, Ms. Connor Nays: None
Excused: Ms. Ricordati
Motion carried
Motion was made by Mr. Rosa and seconded by Mr. Harvey to approve the non-exclusive permit and indemnity agreement for the Back to School 5K Run/Walk between the Village of Forest Park and Forest Park School District 91. On roli ca||: Ayes: Mr. Connor, Mr. Rosa, Mr. Harvey, Ms. Bowker, Ms. Rostello, Ms. Connor Nays: None Excused: Ms. Ricordati
Motion carried
Superintendent's Report Dr. Cavallo shared the following with the Board:
May 18, 2016, PPC (formerly Gaining/Concerns Committee) minutes were shared Residency - final numbers for FY2016 are 9 cases, 7 cleared, 2 excluded
FO|A – Norie
Update on focus group data The District was asked to present on Community Engagement at the Triple Conference (11/2016) Future Ready Schools leadership team has met July 30 - Board Self-Evaluation with Jeff Cohn (8 a.m. - 12 p.m.)
Committee Reports Advisory Council/Community Engagement Committee (formerly Citizens’ Advisory Council) - None
IASB West Cook - Triple 1 Conference registration will be open soon (11/18 - 11/20/2016).
Finance Committee Mr. Brophy briefly shared the minutes from the May 26, 2016, meeting which included, the committee's purpose, financial information to be shared on the website, and an update on school funding legislation.
Superintendent/Board Evaluation The Board continued to work on their Board Guidelines/Agreements document.
Additional Matters for Consideration from the Board - None
Additional Matters for Consideration from the Audience
Adjournment There being no other matters of interest from the Board at this time, motion was made by Ms. Rostello, seconded by Mr. Rosa and carried to adjourn at 8:29 p.m.