
West Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Cook County Finance Committee reviews bills for legal services

Webp meeting 02

At a meeting today, the Cook County Board's Finance Committee reviewed several bills for legal services tied to various cases before the county court.

The Cook County Finance Committee is a standing committee of the Cook County Board. The committee meets regularly in Board Room 569 at the Cook County Building, 118 N. Clark St. in Chicago.

Below is the agenda for this meeting, as provided by the committee.

The organisation is located at: 69 W. Washington, Chicago, IL.

--- "Board of Commissioners of Cook County\r\nFinance Committee\r\nWednesday, June

8, 2016 10:00 AM Cook County Building, Board Room, 569\r\n118 North Clark Street,

Chicago, Illinois\r\nPUBLIC TESTIMONY\r\nAccording to the Cook County Board’s Rules

of Organization and Procedure, public testimony will be permitted at\r\nregular

and special meetings of the Board and at committee meetings of the Board. Authorization

as a public speaker\r\nshall only be granted to those individuals who have submitted

in writing, their name, address, subject matter, and\r\norganization (if any) to

the Secretary 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Duly authorized public speakers

shall be\r\ncalled upon to deliver testimony at a time specified in the meeting

agenda. Public testimony must be germane to a\r\nspecific item(s) on the meeting

agenda, and the testimony must not exceed three minutes; the Secretary will keep\r\ntrack

of the time and advise when the time for public testimony has expired. Persons authorized

to provide public\r\ntestimony shall not use vulgar, abusive, or otherwise inappropriate

language when addressing the Board; failure to\r\nact appropriately; failure to

speak to an item that is germane to the meeting, or failure to adhere to the time\r\nrequirements

may result in expulsion from the meeting and/or disqualify the person from providing

future\r\ntestimony.\r\nCOMMITTEE MINUTES\r\n16-3235\r\nApproval of the minutes

from the meeting of 05/10/2016\r\n16-3237\r\nApproval of the minutes from the meeting

of 05/11/2016\r\n16-3238\r\nApproval of the minutes from the meeting of 05/11/2016\r\nCOURT

ORDERS\r\nAPPELLATE CASES\r\n16-2904\r\nAttorney/Payee: Thomas J. Esler\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $2,220.00\r\nCase Name: In the Interest of James R. C.\r\nTrial Court

No(s): 08JA199\r\nAppellate Court No(s): 15-2230 \r\nPage 2 of 62\r\n16-3081\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $330.00\r\nCase Name: In the Interest

of Aiden Y.\r\nTrial Court No(s): 15JA361\r\nAppellate Court No(s): 1-15-3072\r\n16-3280\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,132.50\r\nCase Name: In the Interest

of Terrion F.\r\nTrial Court No(s): 14JA1298\r\nAppellate Court No(s): 1-15-3117\r\n16-3316\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Bruce H. Bornstein\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $3,787.50\r\nCase Name: In the Interest

of: Devin W.\r\nTrial Court No(s): 09JA678\r\nAppellate Court No(s): 1-14-3909\r\n16-3317\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Bruce H. Bornstein\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $2,394.00\r\nCase Name: In the Interest

of: Dangelo M., Djamylah P.\r\nTrial Court No(s): 14JA405, 14JA406\r\nAppellate

Court No(s): 1-15-0223\r\n16-3318\r\nAttorney/Payee: Bruce H. Bornstein\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $375.00\r\nCase Name: In the Interest of: Cody L.\r\nTrial Court No(s):

10JA287\r\nAppellate Court No(s): 1-15-1498\r\n16-3319\r\nAttorney/Payee: Thomas

O’Connell\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $2,223.11\r\nCase Name: In the Interest of

Lyima H., Jasmine H., Desirea H.\r\nTrial Court No(s): 07JA744, 07JA745, 07JA747\r\nAppellate

Court No(s): 1-15-0183 \r\nPage 3 of 62\r\n16-3320\r\nAttorney/Payee: Thomas O’Connell\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $2,445.60\r\nCase Name: In the Interest of Donya A., Hana A., Zeyna

A.\r\nTrial Court No(s): 14JA716, 14JA717, 14JA718\r\nAppellate Court No(s): 1-15-0865\r\n16-3373\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $2,554.25\r\nCase Name: Re: In the Interest

of Jordyn L.\r\nTrial Court No(s): 14JA150\r\nAppellate Court No(s): 1-15-0956\r\n16-3374\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,368.75\r\nCase Name: Re: In the Interest

of Latisha P.\r\nTrial Court No(s): 13JA360\r\nAppellate Court No(s): 1-15-3115,

1-15-3249\r\n16-3376\r\nAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,316.87\r\nCase Name: In the Interest of Cotiece E.\r\nTrial Court No(s): 12JA856\r\nAppellate

Court No(s): 1-15-2499\r\n16-3377\r\nAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $1,932.87\r\nCase Name: In the Interest of Marlasia B., Latristan

C.-H.\r\nTrial Court No(s): 12JA408, 12JA409\r\nAppellate Court No(s): 15-1159,


CASES TO BE APPROVED: $22,080.45\r\nCRIMINAL DIVISION\r\n16-2962\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Nicolas Albukerk\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $8,310.89\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Brad Lieberman\r\nCase No(s): 00CR80001\r\nPage 4 of 62\r\n16-3045\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen F. Potts\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $362.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Darryl Adams\r\nCase No(s): 14CR80002\r\n16-3046\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen F. Potts\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $4,625.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Otis Beasley\r\nCase

No(s): 08CR80014\r\n16-3048\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen F. Potts\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,503.85\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Michael Green\r\nCase No(s): 08CR80003\r\n16-3049\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen F. Potts\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $2,850.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Edmond Jiminez\r\nCase No(s): 16CR80001\r\n16-3050\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen F.

Potts\r\nPresenter: same\r\nFees: $900.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

John New Jr.\r\nCase No(s): 05CR80002\r\n16-3083\r\nAttorney/Payee: Julie B. Aimen\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $1,618.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Alexander

Wood\r\nCase No(s): 2013CR07597\r\nPage 5 of 62\r\n16-3112\r\nAttorney/Payee: Law

Offices of Chicago-Kent College of Law\r\nPresenter: Daniel T. Coyne\r\nFees: $5,365.00\r\nService

Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Glenn Sims\r\nCase No(s): 01CR22689-03\r\n16-3138\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen F. Potts\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,050.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Tracy Lewis\r\nCase No(s): 11CR80016\r\n16-3139\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen F. Potts\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $2,143.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Willie

Henderson\r\nCase No(s): 00CR80002\r\n16-3147\r\nAttorney/Payee: David Sotomayor\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $10,780.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation

of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Jemetric

Nicholson\r\nCase No(s): 10CR21709\r\n16-3245\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dr. Brian R. Abbott\r\nPresenter:

Daniel T. Coyne\r\nFees: $1,994.62\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation

of indigent respondent(s): expert witness\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Edward Gavin\r\nCase

No(s): 06CR80009\r\n16-3308\r\nAttorney/Payee: Matthew J. McQuaid\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $1,275.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Jerome

Grimmage\r\nCase No(s): 11CR80010 \r\nPage 6 of 62\r\n16-3309\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Matthew J. McQuaid\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,764.00\r\nService Rendered for

court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Antonio Valdez\r\nCase No(s): 14CR80006\r\n16-3311\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Matthew J. McQuaid\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,541.50\r\nService Rendered for

court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Anthony Wilson\r\nCase No(s): 14CR80008\r\nCRIMINAL DIVISION CASES


BE APPROVED: $46,084.61\r\nDOMESTIC RELATIONS DIVISION\r\n16-3221\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Arlette G. Porter\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $838.91\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

J. Carranza\r\nCase No(s): 07D003148\r\n16-3222\r\nAttorney/Payee: Arlette G. Porter\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $1,665.80\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): S. Mainville\r\nCase

No(s): 15D7635\r\n16-3223\r\nAttorney/Payee: Arlette G. Porter\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,434.10\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): D. Allen\r\nCase No(s): 13D9504\r\nDOMESTIC



DIVISION\r\n16-2873\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ezra Hemphill Attorney at Law\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $375.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Derrick

Young\r\nIn Re: D. Young (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA00239\r\n16-2874\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Brian J. O’Hara\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $312.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Dalyla Mares (mother)\r\nIn Re: K. Dunlop (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA00166\r\n16-2875\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Brian J. O’Hara\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $250.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

A. Christo (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: A. Christo (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 07JA01066\r\n16-2876\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Brian J. O’Hara\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $550.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Kenji Pace (father)\r\nIn Re: M. Alexander (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA00894\r\n16-2877\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Donna L. Ryder\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,505.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Shawn Smith (father)\r\nIn Re: K. Williams, L. Williams (minors)\r\nCase No(s):

12JA1093, 12JA1094\r\nPage 8 of 62\r\n16-2878\r\nAttorney/Payee: Paul S. Kayman\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $1,237.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Andrea

Santos (mother)\r\nIn Re: R. Santos, R. Santos, R. Santos, R. Santos (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 15JA00519, 15JA00520, 15JA00521, 15JA00522\r\n16-2905\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Ray Morrissey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $600.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Tysheka Strong (mother)\r\nIn Re: C. Miles, T. Miles (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA288,

15JA289\r\n16-2906\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ray Morrissey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,250.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Kevin Mcgee (father)\r\nIn Re:

C. Mcgee, K. Mcgee, K. Mcgee (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 10JA1098, 10JA1099, 10JA1103\r\n16-2908\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Victoria Almeida\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $850.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

M. Sanders, J. Sanders (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: M. Sanders, J. Sanders (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 15JA1306, 15JA1307\r\n16-2912\r\nAttorney/Payee: Maureen T. Murphy\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $400.98\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Tiffany

Steppe (mother)\r\nIn Re: M. Steppe (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1303\r\n16-2913\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Maureen T. Murphy\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,175.00\r\nService Rendered for

court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Antonia Bolden (mother)\r\nIn Re: A. Bolden (minor)\r\nCase No(s):

05JA755\r\nPage 9 of 62\r\n16-2914\r\nAttorney/Payee: Maureen T. Murphy\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $1,201.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Tiffany

Klimek (mother)\r\nIn Re: A. Klimek (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA181\r\n16-2915\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Maureen T. Murphy\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $512.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Pondexter Howard (father)\r\nIn Re: J. Young (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1163\r\n16-2916\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Maureen T. Murphy\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,218.75\r\nService Rendered for

court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): D. Young, W. Neely (fathers), L. Neely (mother)\r\nIn Re: D. Calderon,

D. Young (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA238, 15JA239\r\n16-2917\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Maureen T. Murphy\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $325.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Corey Dixon (father)\r\nIn Re: T. Brown (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA801\r\n16-2918\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Maureen T. Murphy\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $312.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Esequiel Lopez (father)\r\nIn Re: N. Lopez, E. Lopez (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 09JA1024,

09JA1025\r\n16-2919\r\nAttorney/Payee: Maureen T. Murphy\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$593.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Michael Dixon (father)\r\nIn Re:

E. Dixon (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA895\r\nPage 10 of 62\r\n16-2934\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Victoria Almeida\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $762.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

N. Coleman, N. Coleman, N. Coleman (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: N. Coleman, N. Coleman,

N. Coleman (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 11JA0501, 11JA0502, 12JA0988\r\n16-2939\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $675.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

L. Sankey (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: L. Sankey (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA829\r\n16-2940\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $562.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Terrence Johnson (father)\r\nIn Re: S. Johnson (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1457\r\n16-2944\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Thomas J. Esler\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $210.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Mark Johns (father)\r\nIn Re: R. Lenoir (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 11JA0901\r\n16-2945\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Thomas J. Esler\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $565.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

M. Giacomino, A. Sanchez (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: M. Giacomino, A. Sanchez (minor)\r\nCase

No(s): 14JA1251, 14JA1252\r\n16-2946\r\nAttorney/Payee: Thomas J. Esler\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $280.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Mark Glenn

(father)\r\nIn Re: M. Glenn, M. Glenn, M. Glenn (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 11JA0700,

11JA0701, 11JA0702 \r\nPage 11 of 62\r\n16-2949\r\nAttorney/Payee: Donna L. Ryder\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $447.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): N. Colon

(minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: N. Colon (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA560\r\n16-2950\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Eleesha Madeline O’Neill\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,625.00\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): A. Jackson (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re A. Jackson (minor)\r\nCase No(s):

14JA0602\r\n16-2970\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ildiko Bodoni\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$844.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): X. Capiral, B. Singleton (minors)

GAL\r\nIn Re: X. Capiral, B. Singleton (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 11JA972, 15JA619\r\n16-2988\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Steven Silets\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,781.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Veryunique Pritchett (mother)\r\nIn Re: D. Hamilton, D. Hightower (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 15JA1090, 15JA1091\r\n16-2989\r\nAttorney/Payee: Paul S. Kayman\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $1,437.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Lorenzo

Dixon (father)\r\nIn Re: T. Dixon, L. Dixon (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA01244, 15JA01245\r\n16-2991\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul S. Kayman\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $325.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

R. Davis (father), R. Davis (mother)\r\nIn Re: I. Davis, J. Davis (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 02JA00251, 05JA00630 \r\nPage 12 of 62\r\n16-2992\r\nAttorney/Payee: Michael

J. Vitale\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,237.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Carlos Jaimes (father)\r\nIn Re: V. Casillo-Jaimes (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA00230\r\n16-2996\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Ellen Sidney Weisz\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $531.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Andre Cross (father)\r\nIn Re: C. Dawson (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA45\r\n16-2997\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Ellen Sidney Weisz\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $387.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

A. Bell, A. Bell, J. Perteet (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: A. Bell, A. Bell, J. Perteet

(minors)\r\nCase No(s): 05JA426, 05JA427, 05JA425\r\n16-2998\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Monica M. Torres\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,500.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

T. Ball, D. McDuff, Y. McDuff, J. McDuff (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: T. Ball, D. McDuff,

Y. McDuff, J. McDuff (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 16JA00091, 15JA1290, 15JA1291, 15JA1292\r\n16-2999\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Monica M. Torres\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $612.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Brandon Washington (father)\r\nIn Re: A. Woodgett (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1459\r\n16-3001\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $2,918.75\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): B. Bailey, O. Schwedler, J. Schwedler (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: B.

Bailey, O. Schwedler, J. Schwedler (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 09JA00943, 09JA00944,

09JA00945\r\nPage 13 of 62\r\n16-3003\r\nAttorney/Payee: Donna L. Ryder\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $510.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Edward

Price (father)\r\nIn Re: M. K. Price (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1420\r\n16-3005\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul Karoll\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $300.00\r\nService rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName of respondent(s):

T. Jackson, S. Jackson (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: T. Jackson, S. Jackson (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 08JA532, 08JA533\r\n16-3006\r\nAttorney/Payee: Paul Karoll\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $750.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName of respondent(s): Clarence

Summeries (father)\r\nIn Re: J. Summeries, J. Summeries (minors)\r\nCase No(s):

11JA841, 11JA842\r\n16-3007\r\nAttorney/Payee: Steven Silets\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$343.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Cordero Hill (father)\r\nIn Re:

K. Dennis, K. Dennis (minors)\r\nCase No(s):15JA323, 14JA542\r\n16-3008\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Lawrence Necheles\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $800.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigentrespondent(s): legal representation\r\nName (s) of respondent(s):

M. Walker, M. Manning, M. Drew (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: M. Walker, M. Manning, M.

Drew (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 10JA00608, 10JA00609, 13JA00410\r\n16-3009\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Lawrence Necheles\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $800.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigentrespondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Joseph Monegain (father)\r\nIn Re: M. Thompson (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 09JA00908\r\nPage

14 of 62\r\n16-3010\r\nAttorney/Payee: Lawrence Necheles\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$412.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigentrespondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): A. Henderson (minor) GAL\r\nIn

Re: A. Henderson (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 09JA00339\r\n16-3011\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Lawrence Necheles\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $250.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigentrespondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Molinda Champ (mother)\r\nIn Re: F. Smith, D. Smith, J. Smith, A. Champ, B. Champ

(minors)\r\nCase No(s): 11JA00136, 11JA00137, 11JA00138, 11JA00140, 11JA00141\r\n16-3012\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Lawrence Necheles\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $275.00\r\nService Rendered for court

-appointed representation of indigentrespondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Yoan Mondujano (father)\r\nIn Re: K. Mandujano (minor)\r\nCase

No(s): 12JA00067\r\n16-3013\r\nAttorney/Payee: Lawrence Necheles\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$363.01\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigentrespondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): David Thomas (father)\r\nIn Re:

C. Taylor (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA00458\r\n16-3015\r\nAttorney/Payee: Melinda

MacGregor\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $950.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Eric Knox (father)\r\nIn Re: E. Howard (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 99JA878\r\n16-3016\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Melinda MacGregor\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $512.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Shelly Thompson (father)\r\nIn Re: S. Thompson (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA887\r\nPage

15 of 62\r\n16-3022\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean C. Morask\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$350.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Jalissa Santiago (mother)\r\nIn

Re: M. Gibbs (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 08JA643\r\n16-3023\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean C.

Morask\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $887.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Jozef Gacek (father)\r\nIn Re: S. Gacek (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA1256\r\n16-3027\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Ezra Hemphill Attorney at Law\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $450.00\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Ahmad Caldwell (father)\r\nIn Re: N. Womack (minor)\r\nCase No(s):

15JA01248\r\n16-3028\r\nAttorney/Payee: Eleesha Madeline O’Neill\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$512.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Michael Henry (father)\r\nIn Re

L. Henry, J. Henry (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 07JA0809, 07JA0810\r\n16-3043\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Monica M. Torres\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $525.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Jose Enrique Rodriguez Sanchez (father)\r\nIn Re: J. Rodriguez (minor)\r\nCase No(s):

16JA00012\r\n16-3065\r\nAttorney/Payee: Marie J. Taraska\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$447.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): C. Gardner (father)\r\nIn Re:

C. Gardner (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA1120 \r\nPage 16 of 62\r\n16-3068\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Michael G. Cawley, P.C.\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $500.00\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s) legal representation\r\nName(s)

of Respondent(s): T. Davis (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: T. Davis (minor)\r\nCase No(s):

14JA1229\r\n16-3069\r\nAttorney/Payee: Michael G. Cawley\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,243.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of Respondent(s): J. Fallon, Jr. (minor) GAL\r\nIn

Re: J. Fallon, Jr. (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 11JA898\r\n16-3070\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Michael G. Cawley, P.C.\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $562.50\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s) legal representation\r\nName(s)

of Respondent(s): A. Flowers, J. Taylor (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: A. Flowers, J. Taylor

(minors)\r\nCase No(s): 11JA899, 11JA900\r\n16-3071\r\nAttorney/Payee: Michael G.

Cawley\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $775.00\r\nServices Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Michael Fulgham (father)\r\nIn Re: M. Fulgham, J. Fulgham (minors)\r\nCase No(s):

12JA761, 12JA762\r\n16-3072\r\nAttorney/Payee: Michael G. Cawley, P.C.\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $318.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Jan Stanislawczyk

(father)\r\nIn Re: I. Stanislawczyk, A. Stanislawczyk (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 10JA1088,

13JA302\r\n16-3073\r\nAttorney/Payee: Michael G. Cawley, P.C.\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$625.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): S. Wysinger, K. Wysinger (minors)

GAL\r\nIn Re: S. Wysinger, K. Wysinger (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 09JA28, 09JA29\r\nPage

17 of 62\r\n16-3074\r\nAttorney/Payee: Elizabeth Butler\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$496.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Darnell Lucious (father)\r\nIn

Re: P. Lucious, D. Lucious, D. Cox (minors)\r\nCase No(s) 14JA708, 14JA936, 15JA1148\r\n16-3075\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Elizabeth Butler\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $275.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Paul Johnson (father)\r\nIn Re: P. Johnson (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA387\r\n16-3079\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $750.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Ayanna Stovall (mother)\r\nIn Re: R. Stovall (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA004\r\n16-3080\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,425.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Dawnetta White (mother)\r\nIn Re: K. White (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA637\r\n16-3087\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul S. Kayman\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $550.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

S. Sledge (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: S. Sledge (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA00120\r\n16-3088\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,518.75\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): D. Johnson (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: D. Johnson (minor)\r\nCase No(s):

15JA01124\r\nPage 18 of 62\r\n16-3089\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ildiko Bodoni\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $1,382.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Nick Adams

Sr. (father)\r\nIn Re: K. N. Adams (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1284\r\n16-3090\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Marcie Claus\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $675.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

A. Davis, O. Tucker (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: A. Davis, O. Tucker (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 14JA859, 15JA1147\r\n16-3091\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ellen J Morris Attorney at

Law\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $650.00\r\nServices Rendered for court appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

D. Thomas (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: D. Thomas (minor)\r\nCase NO(s): 15JA1224\r\n16-3092\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Ellen J Morris Attorney at Law\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $275.00\r\nServices Rendered

for court appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Alexander Robinson (father)\r\nIn Re: S. Lehman (minor)\r\nCase

NO(s): 14JA960\r\n16-3093\r\nAttorney/Payee: Sherri Williams\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$500.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): I. Dunn (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re:

I. Dunn (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA689\r\n16-3094\r\nAttorney/Payee: Sherri Williams\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $500.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): S. Rodriguez,

A. Quinones, S. Quinones (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: S. Rodriguez, A. Quinones, S. Quinones

(minors)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA366, 14JA368, 14JA369 \r\nPage 19 of 62\r\n16-3095\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Sherri Williams\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $412.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

K. Williams (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: K. Williams (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA00444\r\n16-3096\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Sherri Williams\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $337.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

I. Clay (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: I. Clay (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA01101\r\n16-3097\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Sherri Williams\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $125.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Maurice Higgs (father)\r\nIn Re: L. Higgs & D. Higgs (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA00285,

12JA00286\r\n16-3110\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ray Morrissey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$487.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Walter Thomas (father)\r\nIn Re:

W. Thomas (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 10JA887\r\n16-3113\r\nAttorney/Payee: Thomas J.

Esler\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $555.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

D. Roosevelt Sr. (father)\r\nIn Re: D. King III (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA0430\r\n16-3119\r\nAttorney/Payee:

John Benson\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $946.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Melissa Lukaszewski (mother)\r\nIn Re: S. Lukaszewski (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA195\r\nPage

20 of 62\r\n16-3129\r\nAttorney/Payee: Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $275.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Magdalena

Cornejo (mother)\r\nIn Re: M. Cornejo (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 07JA00892\r\n16-3133\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Steven Silets\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,118.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Samuel Spivey (father)\r\nIn Re: D. Spivey (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA1118\r\n16-3134\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Steven Silets\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $450.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Jose Monroy (father)\r\nIn Re: N. Monroy (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA653\r\n16-3143\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Sherri Williams\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,050.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

N. Nwagwu, E. Nwagwu, N. Watkins (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: N. Nwagwu, E. Nwagwu, N.

Watkins (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA00201, 12JA00202, 12JA00203\r\n16-3144\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Sherri Williams\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $475.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Renny Muhammed (mother)\r\nIn Re: D. Muhammed (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 08JA00919\r\n16-3145\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Sherri Williams\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,062.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Tamika Gatlin (mother)\r\nIn Re: T. Jones (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 16JA00051 \r\nPage

21 of 62\r\n16-3151\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ray Morrissey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,125.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Amy Diaz (mother)\r\nIn Re: D.

Alexander,.N. Foremen, J. Diaz, X. Alexander A. Alexander, A. Alexander, D. Diaz

(minors)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1365, 14JA1366, 14JA1367, 14JA1368, 14JA1369, 14JA1370,

14JA1371\r\n16-3153\r\nAttorney/Payee: Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $2,062.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Zyana

McCoy (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: Z. McCoy (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA01134\r\n16-3155\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Brenda Sue Shavers\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,031.25\r\nService Rendered for

court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of Respondent(s): Cheryl White (Private Guardian)\r\nIn Re: D. Lee (minor)\r\nCase

No(s): 12JA168\r\n16-3156\r\nAttorney/Payee: Steven Silets\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$950.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Stephen Stevkov (father)\r\nIn

Re: S. Stevkov (minor)\r\nCase No(s):15JA816\r\n16-3157\r\nAttorney/Payee: Darlene

Redmond, Esq.\r\nPresenter: Darlene Redmond\r\nFees: $156.25\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Jacoby Adams (father)\r\nIn Re: J. Dumas (minor)\r\nCase No(s):

09JA1023\r\n16-3158\r\nAttorney/Payee: Darlene Redmond, Esq.\r\nPresenter: Darlene

Redmond\r\nFees: $175.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation

of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Lillian

Horn (mother)\r\nIn Re: R. Horn (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA217 \r\nPage 22 of 62\r\n16-3159\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Eleesha Madeline O’Neill\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $450.00\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Desiree Hamilton\r\nIn Re A. Hamilton (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 01JA2261\r\n16-3160\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Ray Morrissey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $400.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Daisy Avery (mother)\r\nIn Re: T. Avery (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 05JA869\r\n16-3162\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Ellen Sidney Weisz\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $750.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Latoya Cunningham (mother)\r\nIn Re: C. Gore, C. Gore, A. Cunningham (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 14JA1483, 14JA1484, 14JA1485\r\n16-3170\r\nAttorney/Payee: Steven Silets\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $762.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Diamond

Cross (father)\r\nIn Re: A. Woodgett (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA775\r\n16-3172\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Colleen R. Daly, Attorney at Law, LLC\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $992.50\r\nService

Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): N. Rucker, M. Culpepper, O. Veazley, O. Culpepper (minors) GAL\r\nIn

Re: N. Rucker, M. Culpepper, O. Veazley, O. Culpepper (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA0570,

15JA0571, 15JA0572, 08JA0201\r\n16-3174\r\nAttorney/Payee: Colleen R. Daly, Attorney

at Law, LLC\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $165.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Michael Sabbs (father)\r\nIn Re: M. Sabbs (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 02JA00074 \r\nPage

23 of 62\r\n16-3178\r\nAttorney/Payee: Judith Hannah\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$643.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): J. James, B. Taylor, J. James,

J. James (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: J. James, B. Taylor, J. James, J. James (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 14JA616, 14JA617, 14JA618, 14JA1020\r\n16-3179\r\nAttorney/Payee: Judith

Hannah\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $250.96\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

D. Wiley (father)\r\nIn Re: D. Wiley, Jr. (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1040\r\n16-3185\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Donna L. Ryder\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $970.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Isaias Salas (father)\r\nIn Re: J. Salas (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA202\r\n16-3187\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Brenda Sue Shavers\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,375.00\r\nService Rendered for

court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of Respondent(s): Merrill Amos (father)\r\nIn Re: A. A., Z. A. (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 14JA1410, 14JA1388\r\n16-3188\r\nAttorney/Payee: Brenda Sue Shavers\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $3,025.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of Respondent(s): Austin

Allen (father)\r\nIn Re: S. Allen (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA469\r\n16-3200\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Marilyn L. Burns\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $187.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent:

E. Marzette (father)\r\nIn Re: G. Marzette (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 08JA655\r\nPage

24 of 62\r\n16-3202\r\nAttorney/Payee: Marilyn L. Burns\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$575.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent: C. Jackson (father)\r\nIn Re: C.

Jackson (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA134\r\n16-3203\r\nAttorney/Payee: Marilyn L.

Burns\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $362.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent:

L. Nelson (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: L. Nelson (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 11JA907\r\n16-3204\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Ildiko Bodoni\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $460.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Deondre Montgomery (father)\r\nIn Re: D. Cox, D. Cox (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA883,

13JA884\r\n16-3205\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ildiko Bodoni\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,291.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Jockene Dillard (mother)\r\nIn

Re: D. Dillard, D. King, B. Lee, J. Dillard (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA309, 15JA310,

15JA311 03JA1110\r\n16-3206\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ildiko Bodoni\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,606.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): M. Bailey (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re:

M. Bailey (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA991\r\n16-3207\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ezra Hemphill

Attorney at Law\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $762.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Charles Wing (father)\r\nIn Re: M. Howard (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA00507 \r\nPage

25 of 62\r\n16-3209\r\nAttorney/Payee: Monica M. Torres\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$700.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Michael McGowan (father)\r\nIn

Re: E. McGowan (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA1273\r\n16-3215\r\nAttorney/Payee: Samuel

Warsawsky\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $200.00\r\nServices Rendered for court-appointed

representation indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Robert Tigner\r\nIn Re: D. Tigner (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 10JA846\r\n16-3216\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Samuel Warsawsky\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $650.00\r\nServices Rendered for court-appointed

representation indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName (s) of respondent

(s): Christine Fisher (mother)\r\nIn Re: K. Jones (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA00046\r\n16-3217\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Samuel Warsawsky\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $800.00\r\nServices Rendered for court-appointed

representation indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

C. Guynes, H. Guinn (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: C. Guynes, H. Guinn (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 14JA00351, 14JA00352\r\n16-3219\r\nAttorney/Payee: Samuel Warsawsky\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $600.00\r\nServices Rendered for court-appointed representation indigent

respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): E. Flowers, E.

Friend (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: E. Flowers, E. Friend (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA769,

14JA770\r\n16-3220\r\nAttorney/Payee: Steven Silets\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,031.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Daniel Williams (father)\r\nIn

Re: D. Williams (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA1078\r\nPage 26 of 62\r\n16-3224\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul S. Kayman\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $550.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

M. Jordan (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: M. Jordan (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 04JA00746\r\n16-3227\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $425.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Yaritza Arce (mother)\r\nIn Re: S. Roche (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA00870\r\n16-3228\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $575.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Shunnel Stepney (mother)\r\nIn Re: S. Staples (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA00301\r\n16-3229\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $318.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Laura Garcia (mother)\r\nIn Re: E. Young, Z. Young (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA01284,

14JA00482\r\n16-3230\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$212.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Anjala Turner (mother)\r\nIn Re:

R. Woods, R. Woods (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA00384, 14JA00385\r\n16-3231\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $181.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Oliver Poindexter (father)\r\nIn Re: O. Poindexter (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 09JA00187

\r\nPage 27 of 62\r\n16-3232\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $1,218.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Krishna

Grant (father)\r\nIn Re: T. Grant (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA00938\r\n16-3233\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $600.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Kendall Hooker (father)\r\nIn Re: B. Fernandez (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA00333\r\n16-3234\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $512.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Donzell Frazier (mother)\r\nIn Re: M. Hayden (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA00176\r\n16-3236\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $387.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

K. Jaudon, D. Hollis, K. Caldwell (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: K. Jaudon, D. Hollis, K.

Caldwell (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 10JA00024, 10JA00025, 10JA00026\r\n16-3239\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $456.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

D. Temple (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: D. Temple (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 16JA00241\r\n16-3240\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $637.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Kimberly Payton (mother)\r\nIn Re: J. Sykes (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 08JA00578 \r\nPage

28 of 62\r\n16-3241\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$556.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): I. Traylor (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re:

I. Traylor (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA00798\r\n16-3242\r\nAttorney/Payee: Eleesha

Madeline O’Neill\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $462.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Roberto Pasco, Sr. (father)\r\nIn Re: R. Pasco, R. Pasco (minors)\r\nCase No(s):

14JA1017, 14JA1018\r\n16-3244\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean C. Morask\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$275.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Cody Ingram (father)\r\nIn Re:

C. Ingram (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA1071\r\n16-3246\r\nAttorney/Payee: Gilbert

C. Schumm\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $325.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

I. Harvey (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: I. Harvey (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 08JA470\r\n16-3247\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Gilbert C. Schumm\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $693.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Marcos Rodriquez (father)\r\nIn Re: D. Bosquez (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 16JA05\r\n16-3248\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Gilbert C. Schumm\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,018.75\r\nService Rendered for

court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Laura Cerza (mother)\r\nIn Re: L.Cerza, D. Cerza, J.Cerza, S.

Stekov, S.Stekov (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA1159, 13JA1160, 15JA815, 15JA816 \r\nPage

29 of 62\r\n16-3250\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ray Morrissey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$437.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):Tralesser Norwood (mother)\r\nIn

Re: R. Green (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA227\r\n16-3251\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ray Morrissey\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $562.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Lemont

Sessom (father)\r\nIn Re: L. Sessom (minor)\r\nCase No(s):12JA620\r\n16-3252\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $625.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s) legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

William Carter (father)\r\nIn Re: M. Mclemore (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA01170\r\n16-3253\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $293.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s) legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Onjilie Moses (mother)\r\nIn Re: Z. McCoy (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA01134\r\n16-3254\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Steven Silets\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $212.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Leroy Jackson (father)\r\nIn Re: C. Jackson (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 03JA415\r\n16-3268\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $681.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Brianna Johnson (mother)\r\nIn Re: J. Thomas, J. Thomas, B. Thomas, C. Carter (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 15JA553, 15JA554, 15JA555, 15JA556 \r\nPage 30 of 62\r\n16-3269\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,387.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Z. Moore (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: Z. Moore (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA1110\r\n16-3270\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $206.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

N. Clark (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: N. Clark (a minor)\r\nCase No(s): 05JA343\r\n16-3271\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $306.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

D. Stewart, L. Stewart (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: D. Stewart, L. Stewart (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 96JA2257, 96JA2260\r\n16-3272\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $206.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): J. Holmes

(minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: J. Holmes (a minor)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA564\r\n16-3273\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $412.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

D. Wiley (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: D. Wiley (a minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1040\r\n16-3274\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $137.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

E. Wilkerson (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: E. Wilkerson (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 03JA1724

\r\nPage 31 of 62\r\n16-3275\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$706.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Duel Thomas, Sr. (father)\r\nIn

Re: D. Thomas, Jr. (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA1064\r\n16-3276\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $306.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Maritza Crespo (mother)\r\nIn Re: S. Alvarez, D. Alvarez, A. Alvarez, J. Alvarez

(minors)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA1194, 12JA1195, 12JA1196, 12JA1197\r\n16-3277\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,356.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s) legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Ronald Hart, Jr. (father)\r\nIn Re: A. Hart (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA647\r\n16-3278\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $387.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Vincent Weathers (father)\r\nIn Re: Z. Sago, D. Sago (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA550,

13JA551\r\n16-3279\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,112.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Rabah Jaghama (father)\r\nIn Re:

K. Jaghama, M. Jaghama (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA361, 15JA221\r\n16-3281\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Randy Crumpton\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $875.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

A. Reyes (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: A. Reyes (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA579\r\nPage 32

of 62\r\n16-3282\r\nAttorney/Payee: Michael D. Stevens, Ltd.\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$2,100.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nNames(s) of respondent(s): Lawanda Turner (Legal Guardian)\r\nIn

Re: R. Turner (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA1138\r\n16-3283\r\nAttorney/Payee: Michael

D. Stevens, Ltd.\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,437.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nNames(s) of respondent(s):

Alexis Castleberry (mother)\r\nIn Re: A. Noble (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA1152\r\n16-3284\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Michael D. Stevens, Ltd.\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $715.00\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nNames(s)

of respondent(s): Kwame Anthony Sr. (father)\r\nIn Re: K. Anthony Jr. (minor)\r\nCase

No(s): 14JA297\r\n16-3286\r\nAttorney/Payee: Victoria Almeida, Attorney\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $862.50\r\nService Rendered for court -appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of Respondent(s): Sarah

Hogan (mother)\r\nIn Re: C. Hogan (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 10JA054\r\n16-3287\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Victoria Almeida, Attorney\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $400.00\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of Respondent(s): Roscoe Covington (father)\r\nIn Re: T. Covington, T. Covington

(minors)\r\nCase No(s): 09JA572, 09JA573\r\n16-3288\r\nAttorney/Payee: Victoria

Almeida, Attorney\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $856.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of Respondent(s):

John Smiley (father)\r\nIn Re: J. Spencer (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA0478\r\nPage

33 of 62\r\n16-3289\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$243.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s)

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Michael Dunn (father)\r\nIn Re:

I. Dunn (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA00689\r\n16-3291\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $350.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): M. Woods

(minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: M. Woods (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 11JA00839\r\n16-3292\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Steven Silets\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,231.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

William Pitts (father)\r\nIn Re: W. Pitts (minor)\r\nCase No(s):12JA790\r\n16-3293\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Steven Silets\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $962.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Faith Pendleton (mother)\r\nIn Re: A. Claborn, B. Pendleton (minors)\r\nCase No(s):14JA1237,

15JA879\r\n16-3300\r\nAttorney/Payee: Brenda Sue Shavers\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$712.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of Respondent(s): McRoy Lee (father)\r\nIn Re: M.

Lee (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA239\r\n16-3302\r\nAttorney/Payee: Brenda Sue Shavers\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $925.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of Respondent(s): Ethel

Ware (Private Guardian)\r\nIn Re: D. Jones (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 10JA84\r\nPage

34 of 62\r\n16-3304\r\nAttorney/Payee: Brian J O’Hara\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$ 462.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Donald Huberts (father)\r\nIn

Re: H. Lehmann (minor)\r\nCase No(s):14JA0959\r\n16-3305\r\nAttorney/Payee: Brian

J O’Hara\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $812.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Lola Jenkins (mother)\r\nIn Re: A. Jenkins,G. Jones, Jr (minors)\r\nCase No(s):13JA981,

15JA00550\r\n16-3306\r\nAttorney/Payee: Brian J O’Hara\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$431.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Daevondre Powell (father)\r\nIn

Re: D. Powell (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA01333\r\n16-3310\r\nAttorney/Payee: Monica

M. Torres\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $387.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation.\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Sean Keith (father)\r\nIn Re: S. Keith Jr. (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1462\r\n16-3312\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Monica M. Torres\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,050.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Ella Cooper (mother)\r\nIn Re: L. Cooper (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA00594\r\n16-3315\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Donna L. Ryder\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $590.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Gloria Vance (guardian of the mother)\r\nIn Re: A. King (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA536\r\nPage

35 of 62\r\n16-3321\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$512.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s)

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Cheryl Evans (foster mother)\r\nIn

Re: L. Dauphinais (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 10JA00593\r\n16-3322\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $393.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s) legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Rafael Spinarsky (father)\r\nIn Re: I. Spinarsky (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA00486\r\n16-3323\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Robert A. Horwitz\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,012.50\r\nService Rendered for

court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): N. Floyd (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: N. Floyd (minor)\r\nCase No(s):

15JA790\r\n16-3325\r\nAttorney/Payee: Robert A. Horwitz\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$250.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Karen Jordan (mother)\r\nIn Re:

M. Jordan (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 04JA746\r\n16-3326\r\nAttorney/Payee: Brian Danloe\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $412.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): C. Vaval

(minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: C. Vaval (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1408\r\n16-3328\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Brian Danloe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $287.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Gregory Freeman (father)\r\nIn Re: L. Freeman, D. Freeman (minors)\r\nCase No(s):

12JA672, 12JA673\r\nPage 36 of 62\r\n16-3329\r\nAttorney/Payee: Brian Danloe\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $412.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): M. Bronson

(father)\r\nIn Re: M. Bronson (minor)\r\nCase No(s) 14JA774\r\n16-3330\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Thomas J. Esler\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,075.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

C. Collier, R. Beene, R. Beene (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: C. Collier, R. Beene, R. Beene

(minors)\r\nCase No(s): 06JA0463, 12JA683, 12JA684\r\n16-3332\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Thomas J. Esler\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,125.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Joseph Fields (father)\r\nIn Re: J. Fields, J. Fields, J. Fields (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 15JA0316, 15JA0317, 15JA0318\r\n16-3345\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $500.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Ruby Jordan

(mother)\r\nIn Re: C. Holmes, R. Jordan (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA651, 15JA344\r\n16-3346\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresente



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