The campaign committee of Democratic Party candidate Marie Newman, Marie Newman for Congress, received $500 from Michael Bolton on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Democratic Party candidate Marie Newman, Marie Newman for Congress, received $10 from Ian Goral on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
On average, during the seven-day period beginning April 23, just over 11 Cook County residents died daily as a result of complications related to a COVID-19 infection.
On average, during the three-day period beginning April 27, just over nine Cook County residents died daily as a result of complications related to a COVID-19 infection.
As of Jan. 11, six residential properties in Broadview were delinquent on their 2018 property taxes, according to the West Cook News analysis of data made available on the Cook County Treasurer's website.
The three bedroom, one bathroom home at 2724 Euclid Ave., Berwyn was sold on April 30, 2021 by Heidi and Roger Prahl for $375,000. The buyers were Joseph Palmer and Anesha Y Ali.
The campaign committee of Democratic Party candidate Marie Newman, Marie Newman for Congress, received $50 from Lynda Fox on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The Illinois Schools Report Card finds that 89 percent of teachers stay at Hester Junior High School year to year, according to their 2020 three-year average.
On April 30, 2021, Maureen A. Cox and John M. Cox Jr. sold their five bedroom, six bathroom home at 1105 Park Ave., River Forest to Matthew and Elizabeth Heintz for $1,825,000.