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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Village of McCook Village Board met December 2

Meeting 05

Village of McCook Village Board met Dec. 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M.

Clerk Sobus called the roll. On roll call the following Trustees were present to wit: Trustees: Carr, Bubash Jr., Perrin, Mandekich, Cernetig

Absent: Russell

Also present: Mayor Tobolski

Clerk Charles Sobus

Theron Toboloski, Treasurer

Philip Pilch, Deputy Police Chief

Joseph Myrick, Fire Chief

Richard Paeth, Commissioner of Public Works

Steven Perrin, Superintendent of Public Works

Terry Hickey, Building Inspector

Jered Wieland, MAX General Manager

Gary Perlman, Village Attorney

M. Mutlieb, MAX Attorney

Clerk Sobus has advised that there is a quorum present therefore we may proceed with the meeting.

There were no registered speakers for this evening.

Mayor Tobolski asked for a motion to suspend the rules for the purpose of taking up Committee Meetings at 7:01 p.m. Motion was made by Trustee Bubash, seconded by Trustee Cernetig. On roll call the following Trustees voted in favor of said motion: Carr, Bubash Jr., Perrin, Mandekich, Cernetig

Motion declared carried.

Finance Chairman Mandekich called the Finance Committee Meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. for December 2, 2019.

Finance Chairman Mandekich asked Clerk Sobus to call the roll. On roll call the following Trustees were present to wit: Carr, Bubash Jr., Perrin, Mandekich, Cernetig

Absent: Russell

Finance Chairman Mandekich has advised that there is a quorum present therefore we may proceed. Are there any additions or corrections to the agenda? There being none we will continue the meeting.

Item # 1 – Village Bills - Motion was made by Trustee Cernetig seconded by Trustee Bubash to approve the list of Village Bills for December 2, 2019 as submitted:

Finance Chairman Mandekich asked if there was any discussion, there being none, on roll call the following Trustees voted in favor of said motion:

Carr - Aye

Bubash, Jr. - Aye

Perrin - Aye

Mandekich - Aye

Cernetig - Aye

Page 4 December 2, 2019

Motion declared carried.

Item # 2 - MAX Bills – Motion was made by Trustee Carr seconded by Trustee Perrin to approve the list of MAX Bills for the Regular Meeting of December 2, 2019 as submitted:

Finance Chairman Mandekich asked if there was any discussion, there being none, on roll call the following Trustees voted in favor of said motion:

Carr - Aye

Bubash, Jr. - Aye

Perrin - Aye

Mandekich - Aye

Cernetig - Aye

Motion declared carried.

Item # 3 - Motion was made by Trustee Perrin, seconded by Trustee Bubash to approve and grant business/contractor licenses for 2019 for the Regular Meeting of December 2, 2019 as submitted:


Brookfield Cab Taxi $200.00


Boss Electric Contractor $100.00

Identity Services Contractor $100.00

Preservation Services Contractor $100.00

Set Environmental Contractor $100.00

Apex Warehouse Systems Contractor $100.00

Finance Chairman Mandekich asked if there was any discussion, there being none, the following Trustees voted in favor of said motion: Carr, Bubash, Jr., Perrin, Mandekich, Cernetig

Motion declared carried.

Finance Chairman Mandekich asked for a motion to receive and place on file Item #4 as follows:

Item #4 – Auditor’s Reports for the months of August and September 2019

Motion was made by Trustee Cernetig, seconded by Trustee Carr to accept same and place on file.

Chairman Mandekich asked if there was any discussion. There being none, the following Trustees voted in favor of said motion: Carr, Bubash, Jr., Perrin, Mandekich, Cernetig

Motion declared carried.

There being no further business, a motion was made by Trustee Perrin, seconded by Trustee

Cernetig to adjourn this meeting at 7:04 p.m. The following Trustees voted in favor of said motion: Carr, Bubash, Jr., Perrin, Mandekich, Cernetig

Motion declared carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m.

Building and Zoning Committee

Chairman Bubash called the Building and Zoning Committee Meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. for December 2, 2019.

Chairman Bubash asked Clerk Sobus to call the roll. The following Trustees were present to wit: Carr, Bubash Jr., Perrin, Mandekich, Cernetig

Absent: Mayor Tobolski

Clerk Sobus has advised that there is a quorum present therefore we may proceed.

Item # 1 - Motion was made by Trustee Carr, seconded by Trustee Perrin to approve the list of permits as submitted:

Building permit application and $497.00 fee was received from UOP McCook (Robert R. Andreas & Sons) 8400 Joliet Road for renovation of existing asphalt parking lot location.

Building permit application and $120.00 fee was received from Comcast Cable (ESPO Engineering Corporation/Directional Construction) 8600 Joliet Road for installation of underground CATV cable.

Sign permit application and $100.00 fee was received from Martin Brower (Identity Services, LLC) 8901 47th Street for installation of non-illuminated sign.

The following Trustees voted in favor of said motion: Carr, Bubash Jr., Perrin, Mandekich, Cernetig

Motion declared carried.

There being no further business, a motion was made by Trustee Mandekich, seconded by Trustee Cernetig to adjourn this meeting. The following Trustees voted in favor of said motion: Carr, Bubash Jr., Perrin, Mandekich, Cernetig

Motion declared carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

Mayor Tobolski called the Regular Meeting of the Village Board back into session at 7:05 p.m.

Item # 1 – Mayor Tobolski asked for a motion to approve the Finance Committee Report of December 2, 2019. Motion was made by Trustee Mandekich seconded by Trustee Perrin to accept and approve said report. Mayor Tobolski asked if there was any discussion. There being none, the following Trustees voted in favor of said motion: Carr, Bubash Jr., Perrin, Mandekich, Cernetig

Motion declared carried.

Item # 2 – Mayor Tobolski asked for a motion to approve the Building & Zoning Committee Report of December 2, 2019. Motion was made by Trustee Bubash seconded by Trustee Carr to accept and approve said report. Mayor Tobolski asked if there was any discussion. There being none, the following Trustees voted in favor of said motion: Carr, Bubash, Jr., Perrin, Mandekich, Cernetig

Motion declared carried.

Item # 3 – Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting as well as the Committee at Large meeting held on November 18, 2019 were presented to the Board. Motion was made by Trustee Cernetig, seconded by Trustee Bubash to receive and place on file. Mayor Tobolski asked if there were any questions or corrections? There being none, the following Trustees voted in favor of said motion: Carr, Bubash, Jr., Perrin, Mandekich, Cernetig

Motion declared carried.

Clerk Sobus stated that there was no Correspondence presented for this evening.

Clerk Sobus stated that there were no Communications presented for this evening.

Mayor Tobolski stated that the following New Business was presented for this evening:

Item # 4 – Motion was made by Trustee Bubash, seconded by Trustee Cernetig to approve an Insurance Proposal – Property & Casualty & Workers Compensation, plus Cyber Liability December 1, 2019 – December 1, 2020 with Alliant Mesirow Insurance Services (IPMG) in the amount of $313,127.00 Mayor Tobolski asked if there was any discussion. There being none, on roll call the following Trustees voted in favor of said motion:

Carr - Aye

Bubash, Jr. - Aye

Mandekich - Aye

Perrin - Aye

Cernetig - Aye

Motion declared carried.

Clerk Sobus stated that there was no Old Business for this evening.

Clerk Sobus stated that the following Ordinances were presented for this evening:

Item # 5 – Ordinance No. 19-24 – DEFERRED

Item # 6 – Motion was made by Trustee Carr, seconded by Trustee Bubash, to pass and accept Ordinance No. 19-25 entitled, “AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE II, BOARD OF TRUSTEES, BY AMENDING SECTION 2-40, OPEN MEETINGS; PUBLIC PARTICIPATION, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, VILLAGE OF MC COOK, ILLINOIS.” Mayor Tobolski asked if there was any discussion. There being none, on roll call the following Trustees voted in favor of said motion:

Carr - Aye

Bubash, Jr. - Aye

Mandekich - Aye

Perrin - Aye

Cernetig - Aye

Motion declared carried.

Mayor Tobolski asks for a motion to suspend the rules in order to take up New Items. A motion was made by Trustee Carr, seconded by Trustee Mandekich. The following Trustees voted in favor of said motion: Carr, Bubash, Jr., Perrin, Mandekich, Cernetig

Motion declared carried.

New Item #1 - A motion was made by Trustee Carr, seconded by Trustee Mandekich to accept recommendation submitted by IT Manager John Butkovich requesting 1 year backup for IT assistance effective immediately provided by the WCMC Information Technology Consortium at a cost of $6,195.00 ($118/hr with a 5% Program Admin Fee). Mayor Tobolski asked if there was any discussion. There being none, on roll call the following Trustees voted in favor of said motion:

Carr - Aye

Bubash, Jr. - Aye

Mandekich - Aye

Perrin - Aye

Cernetig - Aye

Motion declared carried.

Let the record reflect that the Regular Board Meeting was called back into order at 7:45 p.m.

There were no public speakers for this meeting.

There being no further business, a motion was made by Trustee Perrin, seconded by Trustee

Cernetig to adjourn this meeting. On roll call the following Trustees voted in favor of said motion: Carr, Bubash, Jr., Perrin, Mandekich, Cernetig

Motion declared carried.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
