
West Cook News

Saturday, May 4, 2024

'Truth' ad raises trust issue over Durkin ties to strip club scheme


A new “Truth” political ad funded by the Liberty Principles Super Pac paints Rep. Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) as a leader that voters in his community can’t trust.

The online advertisement accuses Durkin of being involved in a scheme to open a strip club in his district where the proprietors allegedly had ties to organized crime. The advertisement goes on to further accuse Durkin of sending a team of attorneys to federal court to try to cover up his involvement and keep it shielded from disgruntled voters in his 82nd House District.  

Durkin is now facing a 2018 Republican primary challenge from Burr Ridge Mayor Mickey Straub, who also recently accused Durkin of a lack of transparency after it was revealed a staffer in his office failed to disclose his friendship with a lobbyist representing a firm bidding for a state contract he was at least partially responsible for vetting.

Mickey Straub

“Illinois families suffer when Jim Durkin and his staff act without transparency or integrity,” Straub said in a press release. “These stunning conflicts of interest and continued lack of transparency come from the top. Jim Durkin and his staff are not acting in the best interest of families or this state, whether it be abusing his legislative position in a 'horrible conflict of interest' to make money for his law firm, Arnstein & Lehr LLP, helping a strip club consultant and (House Speaker Mike) Madigan ally secure an influential meeting, or a staffer who makes decisions on state contracts that benefit his friends."

Straub said Durkin, throughout his time in Springfield, has made it a habit of putting his own interests ahead of those of his constituents and being more interested in helping those that are already connected.

“This culture of corruption and consistent conflicts of interest is why I’m running,” Straub added in the release. “I’m going to Springfield to represent the citizens, not self-interest, and to promote Lincoln’s core values. It’s time for honesty and transparency in Springfield.”

The 82nd House District covers parts of Cook, DuPage and Will counties, including Burr Ridge, Darien, Homer Glen, Lemont and Willowbrook.