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Cook County Justice Advisory Council meets, hears update on juvenile justice reforms

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Cook County Justice Advisory Council met Thursday, Sept. 8.

The mission of the Cook County Justice Advisory Council is to work collaboratively with key stakeholders in the County’s criminal and juvenile justice system to reduce the population of the Cook County Jail and Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, while ensuring systematic and community supports to reduce recidivism and increase public safety.

Here are the minutes as provided by Cook County:




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Meeting of the Justice Advisory Council

September 8th, 2016

8:30 am-10:00 am

118 North Clark Street 4th Floor Conference Room A

Chicago, IL 60602

Call to Order and Roll Call

The Justice Advisory Council met on Thursday, September 8th, 2016 at 118 N. Clark, 4th Floor Conference Room A, in Chicago, Illinois. Justice Advisory Council Member Justice Burke called the meeting to order at 8:39a.m.

JAC Council Board Member Attendance



Honorable Justice Anne Burke


Honorable William H. Hooks


Judge (ret) Rhoda Sweeney


Dia S. Weil


Edith Crigler


Lisa S. Stephens


Victor Henderson, Esq


County Staff Present



President Toni Preckwinkle


Steven Shaw, President’s Office


Lanetta Haynes Turner JAC


Rebecca Janowitz, JAC


Christopher Bernard, JAC


Patrick McPhilimy, JAC


LaToscha Hoover, JAC


Floyd Stafford, JAC


Wynetta Scales, JAC


Members of the Public: Victoria Moreno, Annie McGowan, Judy King, Edward Tivador, Laurie Cohen and Lilian Jimenez.

Call to Order: Justice Ann Burke called the meeting at 8:39 a.m.

Remarks: Justice Anne Burke welcomed everyone to the meeting and proceeded to the review of the minutes.

Review and approval of the Minutes: Justice Anne Burke moved to approve the minutes of the July 8, 2016 JAC Council Meeting. The motion was seconded by council member Edith Crigler and approved by unanimous voice vote by all members.

Review of JAC Staff Report (previously circulated): Lanetta Haynes Turner (Executive Director) spoke about the Macarthur grant which Cook County was unsuccessful with receiving implementation funds. However, the County is planning to reapply in the summer of 2017. Until then, with the President’s financial support, the county stakeholders will move forward with an automated court reminder program for individuals on pretrial, a 2nd review process for bail amounts and a data analysis of the young adult population. Rebecca Janowitz (Special Assistant for Legal Affairs) talked about ICIJA (Illinois Criminal Information Justice Authority) who administers criminal justice in the areas of grants administration, research and analysis, policy and planning, and information systems and technology. ICJIA administers more than $190 million in state and federal funding annually, provides the latest research to pinpoint and inform lawmakers of current crime trends and issues, and develops cutting edge technology to assist in data collection and provision.

V. Council Discussion: Chris Bernard (Program Coordinator) spoke about some of the recent juvenile reform efforts and plans to talk with Rhoda Sweeney (Council member) to brain storm on ideas around civil forfeitures. There was also a brief discussion of the county’s juvenile justice bill which in most cases will eliminate five year probation for juveniles and allow for judicial discretion when youth remain compliant with services. Council members also received an update on the successful Automatic Transfer legislation which took effect on Jan 1, 2016. Since then there has already been a 30% reduction in the number of AT youth in the detention center. It was noted that statistics are still needed on probation violations and how long young people are remaining in the JTDC due to those violations.

Patrick McPhilimy (Grants Coordinator) stated that the JAC submitted an application to UIC to have a team of students assist the JAC as part of their Capstone project for school. We were successful in that application and three students will help us with our grants. The Executive Director thanked our Deputy Chief of Staff, Steven Shaw for identifying the opportunity.

Lisa Stevens (Council member) spoke about the Institute on Non-Violence, a nonprofit she joined that works in Austin to reduce violence. Both Lisa and Dia Weil (Council member) will talk further to explore opportunities to collaborate since Dia grew up in the Austin community.

VI. New Business: Rebecca Janowitz, (Special Assistant of Legal Affairs) has reached out to Kathleen McKee (states attorney) to present the OMA (Open meeting Act) training for Council members. Rebecca also mentioned that she would be visiting 26th California court rooms to identify potential space for Bond Court during renovation. Victor Henderson (Council member) said the Daley Center isn’t being used. Floyd Stafford (Legislative Coordinator) stated the release of the JAC Newsletter and asked council members to send articles or paragraphs to be included in the next release.

VII: Public Comments: Judy King asked when the Triage Center will be open. Lanetta said a soft opening has begun with walk-in patients. The official opening will be sometime in October/November. Ms. King mentioned that the complaint that she filed in regards to the OMA was received and a response was sent back to her but she will bring it back at the next council meeting to share.

V: Adjournment: Council Member Anne Burke adjourned the meeting at 10:00 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for November 3, 2016.